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Quotidiano di informazione – Anno 36 n° 112

Posts Tagged ‘practice’

La Scala inaugura la practice di diritto amministrativo: entra Pierluigi Giammaria

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 26 ottobre 2019

La Scala Società tra Avvocati inaugura la practice di diritto amministrativo con Pierluigi Giammaria. L’ingresso dell’Avvocato Giammaria, esperto in diritto pubblico dell’economia, rafforza tutta l’area imprese di La Scala. Pierluigi Giammaria ha maturato numerose esperienze nella consulenza e nella gestione di contenziosi – anche arbitrali – su contratti pubblici e privati e sul corporate pubblico, misto e privato, sviluppando specifiche competenze su appalti e contratti pubblici in genere, su partenariato pubblico privato, project finance e concessioni, oltre che su ambiente, edilizia e urbanistica. Esperto amministrativista, ha da ultimo collaborato a diverse opere di commento (UTET, IPSOA e “Nel Diritto”) sul codice degli appalti dopo la sua entrata in vigore. Dal 2019 è consulente del Dipe (Dipartimento programmazione economica) presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, in qualità di esperto Nars (Nucleo consulenza attuazione linee guida regolazione pubblici servizi).Giammaria lavorerà dagli uffici di Roma ed entrerà in La Scala in qualità di of Counsel.Il rafforzamento dell’area guidata dal senior partner Giuseppe La Scala rappresenta un ulteriore passo nella crescita di La Scala Società tra Avvocati che mira a fornire una consulenza legale completa alle imprese, soprattutto alle PMI, che costituiscono il tessuto imprenditoriale prevalente nel nostro Paese, sia nell’attività ordinaria che nelle operazioni straordinarie.
Giuseppe La Scala, senior partner di La Scala Società tra Avvocati, ha dichiarato: “Il processo di potenziamento dello Studio è destinato a proseguire ancora e questo è solo il primo di una serie di passi che vedranno un vero e proprio “ripensamento” dell’ Area Imprese dello Studio. Ciò anche per cogliere in modo innovativo le opportunità offerte dal nuovo mercato degli UTP e della loro gestione. La practice di diritto amministrativo completa e integra le nostra offerta professionale dello Studio. E il fronte del diritto pubblico dell’economia si inserisce appieno nella nostra strategia di crescita dei servizi dedicati ai nostri clienti e, in special modo, alle PMI”.
Fondato nel 1991, La Scala offre ai propri clienti, da oltre venticinque anni, una gamma completa e integrata di servizi legali. Tra i primi studi legali nel contenzioso bancario e fallimentare, è oggi leader riconosciuto nei servizi di recupero crediti giudiziale. E’ inoltre attivo nei servizi professionali dedicati alle imprese, nonché nel diritto civile e di famiglia.Dopo la sede principale di Milano, nel corso degli anni sono state aperte le altre sedi di Roma, Torino, Bologna, Vicenza, Padova, Ancona e una seconda sede a Milano.Oggi La Scala comprende circa 200 professionisti e uno staff di oltre 100 persone, e assiste stabilmente tutti i principali gruppi bancari italiani, numerose imprese industriali e commerciali, importanti istituzioni finanziarie.

Posted in Diritti/Human rights, Spazio aperto/open space | Contrassegnato da tag: , , , | Leave a Comment »

2019 Onmark Oncology Practice Summit

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 25 ottobre 2019

Austin (Tx) The Summit is an annual program offered by McKesson to help practices develop strategies and tactics that enable them to run more efficiently in the challenging value-based landscape. Through a series of lectures, panel discussions and interactive exercises, practices gained experience developing and implementing plans to strengthen their critical operations, helping to ensure practice success while keeping patient care the number one priority. This year’s Summit agenda featured a wealth of topics surrounding emerging healthcare trends, examples of successful practice transformations, and resources to help community-based oncology practices succeed in an increasingly competitive, ever-changing environment. Key activities during the Summit included: Presentations from experts who shared their point of view on new regulations and major trends affecting oncology Breakout sessions focused on strategic planning, employee engagement and leading through change
Opportunities to collaborate and network with peers as well as McKesson’s leadership team and subject matter experts
Clinical workshops about groundbreaking treatments and methods to enhance patient care. Oncologists and key practice staff participated in expert-led sessions on various topics with a unifying focus on leading through change. One panel included discussions on successful implementation of biosimilars—addressing the clinical, economic and operational impacts to consider as new therapies enter the market. Another panel brought together experts to help practices navigate the evolving community oncology landscape to preserve and enhance the ability to serve patients. Additionally, McKesson introduced biomarker test guidelines to support precision medicine as well as its new strategic planning services designed to help practices succeed and grow into the future.

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One-Day Course: IP Due Diligence & Freedom-to-Operate in Practice

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 16 ottobre 2019

This intensive one-day course will give you many insights into the best practice of organising and conducting an efficient and thorough IP due diligence project.A properly conducted due diligence search can lead to many opportunities for both buyers and sellers, including long-term relationships and new business synergies.Attending this seminar will ensure you know how to mitigate the risks involved and will give you key insights into balancing internal resources and outside expertise to the best advantage. It will help you understand the vital aspects of an FTO analysis from a US and EU perspective, plus, learn about the IP landscape in China as well as new opportunities. You will benefit from the experience of the expert panel during the discussion session and get the solutions you need to your questions.

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Toluna Launches Media and Entertainment Practice

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 13 ottobre 2019

Toluna, a ITWP company and leading consumer intelligence platform provider that delivers insights on demand, today announced a specialized practice focused on the needs of the Media & Entertainment industry. The announcement comes as the company continues to secure successful partnerships with major motion picture and gaming companies, mass media conglomerates and live event promoters.The average adult in the U.S. spends 6.5 hours per day engaged with digital media, according to a survey by emarketer. Despite high levels of use the increasing footprint of content streaming within the industry and consumer trends including binge-watching, make it challenging for content owners to understand true viewership metrics. Traditional measurement models don’t allow for lags when gauging the content that resonates with viewers.“The rise of streaming platforms presents a whole new challenge for the entertainment industry. Consumers are engaged with content but it’s hard to know the true audience reach,” said Nick Langeveld, managing director of Toluna North America. “Insights on demand, specialist panels and behavioral data can bridge the gap and provide new confidence in knowing how to invest marketing budgets.”Entertainment companies can harness the Toluna QuickSurveys platform to access consumer insights on demand, staying well-informed on trends and maximizing opportunities for revenue growth. Toluna’s profiling enables users to target niche segments in real-time while observed digital behavior from opt-in panel members reveals the full consumer journey including gaming habits and streaming system and app use.

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Cyber-crime: Cefriel, “Fattore umano fondamentale per prevenire attacchi informatici”

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 6 ottobre 2017

computer-security“Oltre a un ingente piano di investimenti in cyber-security è necessario un progetto di formazione per cambiare l’approccio culturale”. Lo afferma Raoul Brenna, responsabile della Practice Security del centro per l’innovazione digitale Cefriel (società partecipata da università, imprese e pubbliche amministrazioni che realizza progetti di innovazione digitale e di sviluppo delle del capitale umano ) e docente del Master in “Information Security Management” commentando l’ultimo rapporto Clusit. “I dati dimostrano che la crescita esponenziale di attacchi informatici non può prescindere dall’elemento umano. Da test di phishing che Cefriel ha effettuato su più di 20 imprese per 40mila persone coinvolte in tutta Europa risulta che oltre il 60% clicca su link ingannevoli presenti nella mail mentre il 40% arriva a cedere le proprie credenziali senza verificare la veridicità del mittente. Sorprende ancora di più il fatto che la grande maggioranza di questi fenomeni accade nei primi 20 minuti dal ricevimento della mail stessa” (Andrea Schieppati Sec Spa)

Posted in Diritti/Human rights, Estero/world news | Contrassegnato da tag: , , | 1 Comment »

EU citizenship in practice – hearing about rights, obstacles and participation

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 15 marzo 2016

europa-261011-cFree movement, consular protection, cross-border circulation of public documents, the right to petition and European election reform will be at the core of a hearing hosted by the legal affairs, civil liberties, constitutional affairs and petitions’ committees on Tuesday, between 09:15 and 17:15. MEPs and invited guests will discuss concrete ways to simplify and facilitate the exercise of EU citizens’ rights in their daily life.The hearing is organized jointly by the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers) and the European Parliament (LIBE, PETI, AFCO and JURI Committees). After introductions by the chairs of the four organising committees and Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, the hearing will be divided in four parts:
· Effective exercise of Union Citizenship and free movement rights
(09.40 – 10.30);
· Consular protection cross border circulation of public documents and civil law cooperation (11.15 – 12.45);
· Enhancing the democratic dimension of the European elections and reinforcing Union Citizenship (14.30 – 15.20);
· The citizens’ right to address the EU (16.10 – 17.15).
Invited speakers come from universities, NGOs, think tanks and other EU institutions.
The hearing will take place in the József Antall (JAN) building, room 4Q1 tomorrow (Tuesday) between 09.15 and 12.45 and between 14.30 and 17.30, and can be followed live via EP Live.

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L’innovazione si trasforma

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 11 settembre 2014

montecarloMonte Carlo 30 ottobre 2014 Bay Hotel & Resort La comunità globale per la crescita, l’innovazione e la leadership Città intelligenti, vita connessa, convergenza industriale e innovazione dei modelli di business sono temi importanti che le aziende faticano ad incorporare efficacemente nei propri piani aziendali. Riconoscendo tutto ciò, Frost & Sullivan riunirà una rete globale di esperti per il suo evento annuale dedicato alla crescita, all’innovazione e alla leadership, per vedere in che modo l’innovazione può essere sfruttata come asset strategico. GIL 2014 approda sull’ affascinante costa di Monaco il 30 ottobre. L’evento, che si terrà presso il Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort, sarà caratterizzato da un mix unico di esperti di Frost & Sullivan e leader del settore, oltre che da Think Tank interattivi ad alto impatto. Ad attendere i delegati all’evento ci saranno sia sessioni interattive, come ad esempio il Think Tank sulla convergenza industriale, sia presentazioni su città intelligenti e vita connessa e sul tema “Disrupt, Collapse & Transform”, che contestualizzeranno le prossime opportunità di crescita. Ciò è fondamentale poiché le aziende faticano ad innovare in modo entusiasmante per sfruttare le tendenze che stanno creando disturbi diffusi, facendo crollare le industrie e trasformando gli spazi. L’evento comprende anche la cena di gala di Frost & Sullivan per l’assegnazione dei premi per l’eccellenza nelle best practice, che riconosce le organizzazioni che si sono distinte nei diversi settori. Jean Castellini, Ministro delle Finanze e dell’Economia del Principato di Monaco darà il via ai discorsi programmatici esterni previsti nel corso di GIL 2014: Monaco. Accanto ai leader di pensiero di Frost & Sullivan, condivideranno la propria prospettiva visionaria alcuni importanti leader del settore, in particolare Martin Peronnet, CEO di Monaco Telecom; Erik Grab, Vice-Presidente per l’anticipazione strategica, l’innovazione e lo sviluppo sostenibile nel Gruppo Michelin e Olivier Courtade, CEO di M2M Solutions. Con il suo mix diversificato e di alto profilo di relatori, delegati e organizzazioni d’eccellenza che verranno premiate nel corso della serata, durante la cena di gala per l’assegnazione dei premi per l’eccellenza nelle best practice, GIL 2014: Monaco offre una piattaforma straordinariamente potente per dedicarsi al networking con gli altri partecipanti e costruire relazioni commercialmente valide in tutti i settori. Questo congresso di un giorno è un evento imprescindibile che promette di fornire un’esperienza di grande valore ai partecipanti. “I delegati avranno un’opportunità unica di rinnovare la propria passione, alimentare la propria creatività, sviluppare una prospettiva a 360 gradi sul proprio settore e ottenere l’accesso alle best practice, agli strumenti e alle strategie che guideranno la crescita e ispireranno l’innovazione, – afferma Jan E. Kristiansen, Senior Partner e Global Head of Growth Consulting di Frost & Sullivan. – Con queste conoscenze, i partecipanti potranno valutare e rafforzare efficacemente le strategie della propria azienda e raggiungere nuovi livelli di successo.”
La comunità globale GIL di Frost & Sullivan continua ad essere l’unica risorsa per il settore a sostegno degli amministratori delegati e dei team di management nelle loro decisioni critiche, fornendo strumenti che aiutano i leader dei vari settori industriali a raggiungere i tre obiettivi essenziali: crescita, innovazione e leadership. GIL 2014: Monaco offre agli amministratori delegati e ai loro team di crescita non solo la possibilità di partecipare alla conferenza GIL, ma anche di assistere in prima persona alla realizzazione di questi tre obiettivi.

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Inaugural Appointment to International Research Fellowship

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 30 agosto 2013

The Federation of European Employers (FedEE) has awarded its first “Rachel Crowdy International Research Fellowship” to Bristol University law graduate Hannah Larsen.The Fellowship – named after the now almost forgotten hero of the first World War, Dame Rachel Crowdy – is designed to give new law graduates an opportunity to combine international travel with professional development. Hannah will be living in Sydney, Australia for six months, during which time she will be carrying out research into comparative aspects of employment law.An Honorary Lifetime Fellowship has also been awarded by the Federation to Jon Heuval, Employment Law Partner with Penningtons Solicitors and Global Chair of the Multilaw Employment Practice Group. This is in recognition of his standing in the fields of international human resource management, employment law and practice.

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The Education of Europe

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 25 Maggio 2010

The EU should harmonise European educational and vocational systems by introducing common criteria and standards for the different educational levels which are recognised in all  Member States. This should include a facilitation pupil and student mobility within Europe,  uniform admissions procedures, examinations and evaluations.  The EU should invest more in the quality of all levels of education. Minimum norms are needed  for attractive, affordable, interesting education of a high quality, with a focus on diversity and  innovation in education. This could include countering illiteracy (by at least 20% by 2020), the  early learning of a European language, help for school drop-outs, improvement of the technical  equipment in schools and the exchange of best practice among EU Member States. The EU should make education for everyone below the age of 21 free of charge. Religion should be taught outside state or publicly funded schools.  The EU should introduce school courses which foster European identity and better  understanding of the EU, Member States and their institutions. Measures should include twinning of schools, a fund to finance exchange programmes, teaching on EU history and culture as well as citizenship and multicultural awareness. The EU should encourage measures that enhance children’s access to education, independent  of their economic and social status, with priority in these measures given to children from poor  families and rural areas. The EU should stimulate job mobility and training in line with the needs of the labour market. This could include support for member states to develop centres for job mobility, efficient professional orientation and offering re- and post-training to professions whose skills are in demand. This could be facilitated by an independent EU institution that would coordinate the exchange of experiences, providing high-profile advice and subsidies.

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Collaboration Market

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 14 agosto 2009

London, Frost & Sullivan will host a live briefing on Thursday, 20 August 2009, to provide industry participants with an overview of the European Online Collaboration Market. Highlights of the briefing include an overview of online collaboration market in Europe, drivers and restraints, as well as key market trends. This briefing will benefit web conferencing solutions providers, conferencing and collaboration vendors, as well as social networking solution providers by discussing how web conferencing can be profitable in the work environment.
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best in class positions in growth, innovation and leadership. The company’s Growth Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO’s Growth Team with disciplined research and best practice models to drive the generation, evaluation and implementation of powerful growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from 35 offices on six continents. To join our Growth Partnership, please visit

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Don’t lean on becoming Lean in a recession

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 16 luglio 2009

Melbourne According to global advisory and consulting firm Ovum, many organisations that are looking to process improvement methods in the current economic environment are too late. While commonly used approaches such as Agile and Lean can reduce waste in IT systems and software development, they don’t offer the rapid efficiency gains that CFOs are increasingly demanding of CIOs. Their implementation takes too long and is too resource-intensive for an organisation that’s currently reviewing its IT processes. “A lot of CFOs have heard that process improvement can cut the cost of IT processes, and in the current economic environment, that’s very appealing,” says Dr Alexander Simkin, a senior analyst and process improvement specialist within Ovum’s IT Services practice. “What they don’t realise is that becoming Agile or Lean takes time and requires major change management. If you’re starting from a base of traditional processes, these approaches won’t provide rapid cost reduction. The efficiency of your processes may even get worse before they get better. CFOs need to know that and it’s a CIO’s job to educate them,” he adds. Organisations that already have an established process improvement programme aimed at waste reduction in IT have a competitive advantage in the current economic situation. However, when the economy eventually improves, the cost-cutting agenda will wane and other priorities such as improving the quality of processes will come to the fore. “Organisations that are only now seeking to improve their IT processes should consider methods that are optimum now and beyond the recession, that is, that both cut costs and improve quality. Lean Six Sigma is a good choice,” advises Simkin, based in London. Methods that audit and certify the maturity of an organisation’s IT processes such as the Capability Maturity Model Interactive (CMMI) and the International Organisation for Standardisation’s ISO 20000 are also attracting renewed interest in the recession. These methods provide CIOs with evidence to C-level colleagues and other stakeholders that investments in process improvements are providing returns.  For ITS service vendors, they have another advantage: they make those vendors eligible for contracts that stipulate minimum levels of process maturity. Two sectors in which IT service contractors typically have to certify the maturity of their processes are defence and healthcare – especially in the US. “Defence and healthcare have been relatively unscathed by the recession, so being able to bid for contracts in those sectors is increasingly important. Hence some of the extra attention that audit methods are currently receiving,” Simkin explains.

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Influenza A(H1N1) Development process

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 9 luglio 2009

In response to the pandemic threat by a new influenza A(H1N1) strain, the development of a patient care checklist was started on 29 April 2009. The core checklist development group in the WHO Patient Safety Programme collaborated with technical experts in WHO Health Security and Environment.  Experts in infection control, the clinical management of pandemic-prone influenza and health-care checklist development were consulted. The design and content of the checklist was developed iteratively through successive rounds of consultation . Clinical teams in a number of settings provided feedback on its clarity and usability. This included feedback from facilities and providers currently caring for Influenza A(H1N1) patients or from clinical teams preparing for a pandemic by performing a simulation exercise using the checklist on a mock patient. Its use in clinical practice will be the subject of ongoing evaluation.  The following health-care facilities took part in a simulation exercise or a provider-focused discussion of the checklist: Brigham & Women’s Hospital (United States), Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez (Mexico), Department of Infectious Diseases, Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia (Mexico), Johns Hopkins Hospital (United States), New York City Health and Hospital Corporation hospitals (United States), North York General Hospital (Canada) and University Hospital Leicester (United Kingdom). The WHO New Influenza A(H1N1) Clinical Checklist is intended for use by hospital staff treating a patient with a medically suspected or confirmed case of New Influenza A(H1N1). This checklist combines two aspects of care: i) clinical management of the individual patient and ii) infection control measures to limit the spread of New influenza A(H1N1).  The checklist is not intended to be comprehensive. Additions and modifications to fit local practice and circumstances are encouraged. WHO Patient Safety Checklists are practical and easy-to-use tools that highlight critical actions to be taken at vulnerable moments of care. They are produced in a format that can be referred to readily and repeatedly to ensure all essential actions are performed. WHO Patient Safety Checklists are not comprehensive protocols and are not intended to replace routine care.

Posted in Estero/world news, Medicina/Medicine/Health/Science | Contrassegnato da tag: , , , | Leave a Comment »

Palestine at the 53rd venice biennale

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 2 giugno 2009

palestinaVenice June 4th 11:30; Opening Reception: June 6th 17:00 – 20:00 Palestine c/o Venice, a collateral event of the 53rd Venice Biennale. For this first historic participation, the artists were commissioned to create new works and chosen for their ability to bridge local and global themes through their art practice. As both emerging and established artists, they employ diverse techniques including sound and multimedia installation, performance, site specific work, animation, photography, and video. Collectively, they bring to the world’s attention diverse conceptual readings of space,  memory, displacement, migration, nation, and the human condition. Curator: Salwa Mikdadi  Commissioner: Vittorio Urbani, Director of Nuova Icona Artists: Taysir Batniji, Emily Jacir, Shadi HabibAllah, Sandi Hilal & Alessandro Petti, Jawad Al Malhi, and Khalil Rabah (foto palestina)

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