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Posts Tagged ‘places’

Best Work Places Italia 2023

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 21 aprile 2023

Per il nono anno consecutivo, AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV) è stata premiata come Best workplaces Italia 2023, classificandosi all’ottavo posto nella categoria riservata alle Aziende con più di 500 dipendenti. Da ben 21 anni, Great Place to Work Italia premia le aziende particolarmente attente al benessere dei propri dipendenti e alla qualità dell’ambiente di lavoro. Quest’anno sono state premiate 60 aziende tra le oltre 200 organizzazioni che sono state selezionate, raccogliendo l’opinione sull’ambiente di lavoro di circa 163 mila collaboratori. La cura del prossimo, un ambiente lavorativo inclusivo e libero da discriminazioni sono parte integrante della cultura di AbbVie. Numerose sono le iniziative dedicate al benessere e all’aggregazione dei dipendenti. Ne sono un esempio: la Week of Possibilities, una settimana di volontariato offerta a tutti i dipendenti; gli EED&I Ambassador, un gruppo diversificato di persone che con passione ed entusiasmo portano avanti l’obiettivo comune di diffondere i valori di Uguaglianza, Equità, Diversità ed Inclusione; il Women Leaders in Action (WLA), movimento che ha lo scopo di incoraggiare e favorire collaborazione e inclusione, valorizzando il mindset e l’approccio delle donne; l’Employee Assistance Program, un servizio di consulenza professionale gratuito che indirizza il dipendente nella risoluzione sia di difficoltà personali sia di problemi legati a servizi generali; il Family Day. A questo si aggiungono i programmi mirati a uno stile di vita sano (attraverso visite con il nutrizionista, sessioni di training yoga e di ginnastica posturale), il check-up annuale disponibile per tutti, la palestra e lo spaccio aziendale che insieme allo Smart Working ed ai flexible benefit costituiscono misure a favore del Work-Life balance.

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Yapta Named One of the Best Places to Work by Built In Seattle

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 19 febbraio 2019

Yapta, the leading provider of airfare and hotel price tracking services, today announced it has been named one of this year’s 100 Best Places to Work in Seattle by Built In Seattle, an online community for Seattle startups and tech companies. The list recognizes Seattle businesses that go out of their way to provide employees with the support – both financial and non-financial – they need to thrive. Yapta was distinguished in two categories, including the “Small Companies” category and the “Overall” category. Among small companies, those with less than 100 employees, Yapta ranked 15th – and overall, it placed 75th. Built In’s Best Places to Work list rates companies algorithmically based on compensation and employer benefits information identified in its database. Compensation and benefits are weighted equally.More than 8,000 enterprise companies throughout the world – including 148 of Fortune 500 companies – utilize Yapta to track their airfare and hotel prices and capture significant savings. As the only company that provides total trip price assurance, Yapta’s IQ Technology has delivered more than $215 million in airfare and hotel savings to its corporate users. Corporate clients average a combined savings of $369 per trip by tracking both airfare and hotel prices in tandem.
In addition, Yapta has distribution agreements with 14 of the top 20 travel management companies (TMC) in the world, expanding its ability to continue its exceptional growth and scale. Yapta’s services are now live in 40 countries and uniquely able to meet the needs of global enterprises and mid-sized businesses, as well as small business customers through

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WJC Protests Swedish, Danish Doctors’ Assault on Circumcision<br

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 28 gennaio 2014

World Jewish CongressNEW YORK — The World Jewish Congress today strongly protested calls by Swedish and Danish medical associations for a ban on religious male circumcision.“The recommendation of the two medical associations is an insulting and intrusive assault on religious freedom,” said WJC CEO Robert Singer. “Religious circumcision, a procedure that has been practiced safely for millennia, confers notable health benefits. It is a bulwark against urinary-tract infections, cervical cancer and HIV-AIDS, which is why it is being promoted heavily by medical authorities in Africa and other places. Given the compelling religious freedom and health reasons for religious circumcision, the Swedish and Danish medical associations need to recognize that their call for a ban represents an appeal to xenophobia and ignorance and not enlightened science.” According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the ethics council of the Sweden Medical Association, the union representing of 85% of the country’s physicians, last week recommended setting 12 as the minimum age for the circumcision and requiring the boy’s consent. The 3,000-member Danish College of General Practitioners contended in a statement that non-medical circumcision of boys amounts to abuse and mutilation, according to news reports.Jews perform religious circumcision, or brit milah, eight days after birth, while Muslims generally circumcise boys before age 10.The American Academy of Pediatrics stated in 2012 that the “preventive health benefits of elective circumcision of male newborns outweigh the risks of the procedure” and that “benefits include a significant reduction of urinary tract infections in the first year of life and, subsequently, in the risk of heterosexual acquisition of HIV and in the transmission of other sexually transmitted infections.” Moreover, the Academy declared, “Parents ultimately should decide whether circumcision is in the best interests of their male child.”

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