Fidest – Agenzia giornalistica/press agency

Quotidiano di informazione – Anno 36 n° 162

Posts Tagged ‘paysage’

Centre international d’art et du paysage

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 28 giugno 2010

Fu-an Kengo Kuma 29 June – 5 September 2010 Opening at noon, 28 June 2010 Shamisen concert with Mayumi Omura Centre international d’art et du paysage Ile de Vassivière. This idea is intrinsic to the very architecture of the Art Centre built by Aldo Rossi, to the new artists’ residence project conceived by Berger & Berger/ Building-Building, to Yona Friedman’s Licorne de Vassivière (Licorne Eiffel), to Hans Walter Müller’s inflatable modules, to Gilles Clements’s landscape charter and to Philippe Rahm’s architectural charter. For the Centre international d’art du paysage at Vassivière island, Kengo Kuma proposes the building of a teahouse called Fu-an, “space of tea ceremony flying in the air” -, it’s a project respectful of existing architecture while at the same time in open contrast with Aldo Rossi´s post-modern building: “Concentrating on the essential and on the powerful sense of poetry that we are creating here amid finished zones, a space of refined life generating new, important ideas”. Kengo Kuma re-interprets Aldo Rossi´s cafeteria by turning it into a light and luminous structure that invites one to contemplate and meditate, an aesthetic and tasting experience such as one finds in the traditional tea houses in Japan, in the places de dedicated to the tea ceremony.

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Wilfred Moser

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 6 marzo 2009

Bern, Kunstmuseum BernThe exhibition presents the development of the work of artist, a pioneer figure in the development of post-war art in Europe and a main representative of the gestural abstract in Switzerland from his early work in the 1930s to his final pastels in 1997. Here the focus is on his artistic innovation, which has received too little attention so far, such as the ‘Paysages de Metro’ from the 1960s which represent a new type of iconography of the metropolis in twentieth-century painting. Fino al 14/6/2009

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