Fidest – Agenzia giornalistica/press agency

Quotidiano di informazione – Anno 36 n° 175

Posts Tagged ‘race’

No-Tabacco Race – Io respiro”: Corriamo insieme contro il fumo!

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 30 Maggio 2024

Roma. 31 maggio 2024 ore 8.45 Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata Via Montpellier 1. per la “No-Tabacco Race – Io respiro”, corsa non competitiva ed evento di sensibilizzazione contro il fumo, nato dalla collaborazione tra l’Università di Roma Tor Vergata, il Policlinico Tor Vergata e il CUS Tor Vergata, coordinato dalla professoressa Paola Rogliani, ordinaria di Malattie Respiratorie presso il dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata e direttrice dell’UOC Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio presso il PTV, e dal professor Vincenzo Ambrogi, ordinario di Chirurgia Toracica presso il dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata e direttore dell’UOC Chirurgia Toracica al PTV. L’iniziativa ha lo scopo di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sui rischi legati al fumo, sia attivo sia passivo, e promuovere stili di vita sani. In Italia, il fumo rappresenta la principale causa di morte prevenibile, con oltre 90.000 decessi ogni anno. I danni da fumo hanno un impatto non solo sulla nostra salute ma anche su quella dell’ambiente. La “No-Tabacco Race” vuole essere un messaggio chiaro contro il consumo di tabacco, incentivando uno stile di vita sano e attivo. Secondo i dati diramati dal Ministero della Salute lo scorso anno ( fuma circa il 20% della popolazione italiana sopra i 15 anni, ovvero oltre 10 milioni di persone. Secondo i dati ministeriali, Il tabacco provoca più decessi di alcol, aids, droghe, incidenti stradali, omicidi e suicidi messi insieme. Il fumo di tabacco, in particolare, è una causa di almeno 25 malattie, tra le quali broncopneumopatie croniche ostruttive e altre patologie polmonari croniche, cancro del polmone e altre forme di cancro, cardiopatie, vasculopatie. E, come è noto, grande impatto ha anche il fumo passivo, soprattutto durante la gravidanza. La manifestazione “No-Tabacco Race – #Io respiro” coinvolge gli oltre 400 partecipanti iscritti in una corsa non competitiva di 4 km nel Campus dell’università di Roma Tor Vergata, grande polmone verde che si estende per oltre 600 ettari intorno alle sei facoltà dell’Ateneo. Alla corsa è associata la possibilità di visitare gli stand informativi con attività di prevenzione gratuita. Gli stand, aperti a tutti, saranno gestiti dal personale medico e infermieristico del Policlinico Tor Vergata, inclusi medici specializzandi e studenti della Facoltà di Medicina. Dopo un triage infermieristico, verranno svolte attività sanitarie di pneumologia, cardiologia, medicina dello sport, medicina interna e chirurgia toracica. Questi professionisti forniranno informazioni e saranno a disposizione per effettuare gratuitamente esami legati alla salute dei polmoni e del cuore, come spirometrie, elettrocardiogrammi ed ecografie. Verranno inoltre offerti consigli su stili di vita sani, come una corretta alimentazione, l’importanza dell’esercizio fisico e i benefici di una vita senza tabacco. Saranno presenti anche stand animati dai volontari e dalle associazioni di pazienti. Conclude il Direttore Sanitario del PTV, Andrea Magrini :” Salute e Sport, uniti per sensibilizzare sui pericoli del fumo di sigarette. Con questo evento facciamo sentire forte la voce a difesa della salute. Oggi ogni piccolo passo corre verso un futuro senza fumo. Vitale il contributo di ognuno di Noi !”

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Buckle Up and Race to Los Angeles with the Most Famous Toy Vehicles on the Planet Hot Wheels

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 31 gennaio 2019

All roads lead to Los Angeles as Discovery Cube LA opens Hot Wheels™:Race to Win™. This new family exhibit will get you revved up with immersive activities for three generations of Hot Wheels® fans. There is something for mom, dad, grandparents and of course today’s youngest Hot Wheels fans as visitors learn about the science, technology, engineering, and math that goes into making cars go faster. Hot Wheels: Race to Win will make a pit stop on Monday, January 28, 2019 at Discovery Cube LA. The exhibition will be on display through April 28, 2019 before it continues on its tour throughout North America.Be part of a dynamic race team working together to build and test the fastest (and safest) speed machines on the planet, using Hot Wheels die-cast cars to experiment and play. This behind-the-scenes look at the thrilling world of racing investigates the scientific process for designing super-fast cars and helps families who have the need for speed understand how it is achieved.Children and Families will love the Pit Stop Challenge in which they can race the clock – and their family and friends – to change tires and refuel the car. A 6 lane downhill speed track, booster power track, adjustable angles track, and timing track are just a few of the ways visitors will be able to test their theories regarding the science of racing and cause and effect. Real race car parts, authentic artifacts, and captivating memorabilia will round out the experience.Introduced by Mattel in 1968, the “tricked-out” toy cars have come a long way (both in the die-cast and life-size varieties). More than 800 models and 11,000 variations of Hot Wheels cars have been created and more than 4 billion Hot Wheels die-cast cars have been sold. Don’t miss the opportunity to push the limits of your imagination and learn about the world of racing in this all-new exhibit. Hot Wheels™: Race to Win™ is produced by The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and Mattel. The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is a nonprofit institution committed to creating extraordinary family learning experiences across the arts, sciences and humanities that have the power to transform the lives of children and families.

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More than 1,000 run through Bologna in road race for Holocaust remembrance

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 29 gennaio 2018

bologna rimembranzaBologna, Italy – More than 1,000 people joined together in Bologna on Sunday morning for a remembrance road race passing through Jewish historical sites, including those of Holocaust remembrance, as part of a series of events in Italy marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The event was hosted by the Italian Union of Jewish Communities, in partnership with the Jewish Community of Bologna, and the Italian Coordination Committee for Celebrations in Memory of the Shoah, and with the support of the World Jewish Congress and local organizations. The debut Run for Mem (Run for Remembrance: Looking Ahead), was held in Rome in 2017, as the first sports race in Europe ever to commemorate the Holocaust. The Italian community brought the event to Bologna in 2018 to mark 80 years since the introduction of anti-Jewish legislation in the city and in memory of Árpád Weisz, the former coach of the Bologna national team, who was deported to Auschwitz along with thousands of Italian Jews and perished in the death camp.The race took the form of two routes – 12 kilometers and 5 kilometers – passing through notable Jewish community and Holocaust memorial sites, including the Piazza del Memoriale, the Porta Lame monument in memory of the battle in Bologna, the Certosa monument dedicated to partisans and Holocaust victims, Árpád Weisz’s gravestone, the Via Mario Finzi gravestone for the deported Jews of Bologna, the Piazza Maggiore gravestone of the martyrs, and the Museo Ebraico (Jewish Museum), among others. Bologna Mayor Virginio Merola welcomed the crowd in an opening address prior to the race, and stressed the significance of holding such an event 80 years after the racial laws were introduced against the Jewish community, adding that it was imperative to keep the memories of the past alive and move forward together.Noemi Di Segni, the president of the Italian Union of Jewish Communities, who initiated both the debut Run for Remembrance in Rome in 2017 and the run in Bologna this year, remarked that even in the darkest moments of history, there has always been light. The significance of this event, she said, is to demonstrate that humanity is always searching for the light, and that despite the horrors of the Holocaust, the community is still strong. “We are running through the sites of the past, but toward the future,” she said.World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer, who took part in the race along with representatives of the organization including members of the WJC-Jewish Diplomatic Corps, praised the Italian Union of Jewish Communities and the Jewish community of Bologna for the initiative. Bringing greetings from WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, Singer said: “I salute the city of Bologna, not just for what you are doing today, but for what the citizens of this city did during World War II in fighting the Nazi occupation.”

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Conrad Ruiz: Cold, Hard and Wet

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 11 dicembre 2009

San Francisco until 30/1/2010 804 Sutter Street 415, Silverman Gallery Conrad Ruiz mSilverman Gallery is pleased to present Conrad Ruiz: Cold, Hard and Wet an exhibition of new paintings by Conrad Ruiz from December 11, 2009 – January 30, 2010  The artist’s first solo show features large-scale watercolor paintings inspired by the epic scope of Hollywood cinema and history painting. Drawing on a disparate range of references, from Gericault and Delacroix to James Cameron, Ruiz’s expansive canvases unfold as kinetic and often explosive compositions, which capture moments of collective euphoria. Through these fantastical and excessive tableaux, Ruiz explores notions of class, race and masculinity that persist through popular lexicons.  This particular body of work draws from the questing idioms of video games (such as Super Mario Brothers and Legend of Zelda) to produce winter-themed landscapes that engage recent historical ruptures, including the stock market crash and economic downturn. Populated with teams of supernatural, ridiculously powerful men, these canvases interrogate lingering power structures, homosocial bonding, and class stratification as they are encoded onto visual idioms.  Conrad Ruiz lives and works in Los Angeles. His work is part of the Berkeley Art Museum/ Pacific Film Archive permanent archive and is currently on view in the Material Witness exhibition through December 20th. New work will also be on view at NADA Art Fair Miami Beach, 2009 at Silverman Gallery booth, 315.(conrad)

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