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Quotidiano di informazione – Anno 36 n° 156

Posts Tagged ‘Earth’

Earth Day, Vincenzo Galizia: «Difendere il Pianeta tutti i giorni»

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 24 aprile 2024

La Giornata della Terra (Earth Day) è l’evento annuale per riflettere sulla salvaguardia del nostro Pianeta e le azioni necessarie per difenderlo. Il tema del 2024 è “Planet vs Plastics” (Pianeta contro Plastica). In merito è intervenuto in una nota Vincenzo Galizia Presidente nazionale del movimento “Fronte Verde” che ha dichiarato: «Oggi è la Giornata della Terra, con la richiesta del Earth Day 2024 di ridurre del 60% la produzione globale della plastica entro il 2040. Si dovrebbe pensare di difendere il nostro Pianeta tutti i giorni e non solo ricordarsi una volta l’anno. La salvaguardia del Pianeta, deve essere il tema centrale per ogni governo del mondo, ma invece purtroppo non è veramente al centro di nessuno di essi compreso naturalmente il governo italiano» – attacca Galizia che continua – «La politica purtroppo è drammaticamente miope davanti alle emergenze globali che si devono affrontare per evitare il collasso del Pianeta. La plastica è una piaga che deve essere fermata per salvaguardare la salute di ogni essere vivente, è un problema ambientale sempre più esteso, non solo legato all’inquinamento causato dalla produzione e dallo scarto dei rifiuti, ma anche dalle cause legate alla sua dispersione nell’ambiente che ci circonda. La plastica frammentandosi in piccolissimi pezzettini, rilascia delle particelle plastiche dette microplastiche che finiscono nell’acqua, nell’aria, nel terreno e nella catena alimentare, rappresentando di conseguenza una notevole minaccia per la salute e per gli ecosistemi. Anche e soprattutto per questo motivo bisogna porre un fremo e pensare a salvate il nostro futuro e quello della nostra amata Terra» conclude il suo intervento il leader degli ecologisti indipendenti. By Fronte Verde Ecologisti Indipendenti

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Tavola Rotonda “Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity”

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 20 Maggio 2023

Roma 23 maggio, a partire dalle ore 16.00, presso l’Istituto Svedese di Studi Classici di Roma, a Villa Borghese Tavola Rotonda sul tema “Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity. Faith and Science: a necessary dialogue to care for our living planet ”. la Settimana Laudato si’, celebra quest’anno l’8° Anniversario della pubblicazione dell’Enciclica di Papa Francesco, e intende mettere in luce la necessità di un dialogo fecondo tra teologia e scienza. Partecipano alla Tavola Rotonda, tra gli altri, Cardinale Michael Czerny, Prefetto del Dicastero per il Servizio allo Sviluppo Umano Integrale; Ulf R. Hansson, Direttore dell’Istituto Svedese di Studi Classici di Roma; S.E. Andrés Jato, Ambasciatore di Svezia presso la Santa Sede; Måns Nilsson, Direttore esecutivo SEI; Tomás Insua, Presidente del Movimento Laudato Si’.

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See beneath the Greenland ice sheet through the noise of the Earth

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 1 gennaio 2022

Produced high-resolution images of the rocks beneath the Greenland ice sheet through seismic waves.Using the ‘noise’ generated by ocean storms to create a detailed model of the geological conditions underlying the Greenland ice sheet. This is the goal that an international team of researchers from Swansea University and University College London set themselves in collaboration with the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), in the study “Uppermost crustal structure regulates the flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet” published in the journal Nature Communications.”The Greenland ice sheet”, explains Andrea Morelli, researcher at INGV and co-author of the study, “is the second largest freshwater reservoir on Earth. However, the rate of ice mass loss has increased sixfold since 1991, which represents about 10% of the recent global sea level rise”.The geological conditions of the ground under an ice sheet or glacier play a key role in determining the movements of the ice and identifying which areas are the most susceptible.”The main factors to consider”, continues Morelli, “include the geological composition of the rock layers, the temperature of the underlying earth’s crust and the amount of water present in liquid form between the rock and ice, since it acts as a lubricant accelerating the flow towards the ocean with the consequent rise in sea level”.The problem, however, is how to assess what is happening deep underground, as the rock is covered in a layer of ice about 2.5 kilometers thick.”By measuring the shape and speed of the seismic waves – called ‘Rayleigh’ – extracted from the earth’s noise”, adds the researcher, “we were able to map what is happening down to 5 kilometers below the Greenland ice sheet. These waves travel along the Earth’s surface and are sensitive to changes in the properties of the Earth”.The researchers, therefore, by analyzing the seismic waves were able to elaborate high resolution images which, as Andrea Morelli says, “showed that the low velocities in the upper crust tend to be associated with the main outlet glaciers along the edge of the ice cap and to the high flow of geothermal heat produced, over the course of geological history, by the same deep structure now responsible for volcanism in Iceland. Basal ice may affect the increase in ice flow velocity at the Petermann glacier and in the Northeastern Greenland Ice Stream”.“The research”, he concludes, “highlights the importance of the interaction between solid earth and the dynamics of the ice cap. These interactions control past, present and future flow dynamics and must be adequately explored and implemented in models of the ice sheet”. (font: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – INGV)

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A Revealing Moment in Earth’s Recent History

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 4 Maggio 2020

There is much to learn from this tragic moment. The Coronavirus has brought us an unbearable level of death and suffering. At the same time, the pandemic has revealed so much about the impact of human behavior on the environment, as well as our own health. If we are wise, we should try to understand the truths this virus has uncovered.The outbreaks of COVID-19 around the world showcase the impact of human mobility. In earlier eras, it would have unthinkable that a sickness could spread around the globe in a matter of weeks, if not days. Yet, that’s where we are today. It’s a tragedy for human beings, but we should also note that comparable pandemics could wipe out animals and plants worldwide. Monoculture and mobility don’t mix well. We should prepare ourselves to avert an agricultural catastrophe.The pandemic further reveals the incredible impact of human activity on the environment. Just look at photos of cities like Los Angeles, typically drenched in toxic smog, looking like pristine Alpine vistas. That’s what happens when millions of cars stay off the road for a few days.COVID-19 lockdowns can teach us so much about the grinding effects of consumption on the earth. When people ask, “Why bother with sustainability? What difference does it make to drive a little less and use less plastic?” show them a photo of Los Angeles during the pandemic. That’s your answer: Even a little sustainability can make a big difference.The temporary smog reductions we’re seeing also underscore how petroleum affects the environment. Air quality better, but we are also witnessing an unprecedented collapse in the oil market. Billions of gallons of crude oil are sitting in tanks and ships because there is no demand for the commodity. This spectacle might tell us something about how we drive the market and the market drives us—and how perhaps we could get by with less oil consumption.Finally, the pandemic reveals the power of people working together to solve problems. Here in Italy, we have witnessed many acts of personal courage and selfless collaboration. Our health care workers and others who have come together to fight the disease show us that we, too, can cooperate and effect environmental change.Our work never stops, as the articles in this newsletter demonstrate. We are busy certifying seafood and agricultural producers for sustainable practices. The conservation projects we sponsor are starting to show results. New standards, such as one for sea salt product, broaden our portfolio. As always, there is so much more to be done.

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World Earth Day

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 23 aprile 2020

E’ la giornata mondiale istituita nel 1970 per celebrare la Terra e salvaguardare le risorse del pianeta. Festeggia quest’anno il suo 50° anniversario. Mai come quest’anno il tema è particolarmente sentito: il lockdown forzato per un quarto della popolazione mondiale colpita dall’emergenza Coronavirus, ha consentito alla natura di riprendersi i propri spazi, dimostrando quanto i nostri comportamenti influiscono sull’ambiente.In occasione di questa ricorrenza, Houzz – la piattaforma online leader mondiale nella ristrutturazione – suggerisce cinque soluzioni per rendere le nostre abitazioni più sostenibili, basandosi su tendenze e progetti osservati all’interno della propria community. Come adottare quindi semplici accorgimenti e nuove abitudini, che possano contribuire alla salvaguardia del Pianeta?
Interpreta il vintage: un modello economico, cosiddetto circolare, che fa del recupero e della reinterpretazione – e non della produzione ex novo – il trend da seguire.Acquistare legno certificato: è sicuramente d’obbligo arredare casa con materiali naturali. A questo proposito è però bene verificare che vi sia la certificazione FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), a conferma che il legname provenga da foreste gestite responsabilmente.
Tessuti alternativi: Privilegiare materiali in fibre innovative e sostenibili, al fine di evitare l’esaurimento delle materie prime e la produzione di enormi quantità di rifiuti. Un esempio? Un particolare filato derivante dai resti delle arance utilizzate per la spremitura.
Flusso d’acqua regolabile: I soffioni per la doccia da privilegiare sono quelli in grado di ridurre lo spreco d’acqua. Consumano in genere 2 litri di acqua al minuto, contro i 6 dei soffioni meno recenti.
Ossigeno ai tuoi ambienti: Arreda con le piante! Purificano l’aria, contrastano l’umidità, donano benessere e rendono gli ambienti più eleganti ed accoglienti, ossigenandoli.

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Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth Launches Petition to Ban China’s Wildlife Food Markets

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 5 febbraio 2020

Friend of the Earth and Friend of the Sea, the preeminent worldwide food certifications have launched a petition asking the Chinese government to permanently close markets that sell wildlife for food. The petition is a response both to the recent outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus, which has been traced to China’s wildlife markets, and the over all environmental damage these markets are causing. China has announced a temporary, immediate ban on wild animal trading, but Friend of the Earth and Friend of the Sea would like to see the ban become permanent.“We applaud China’s decision to place a short-term ban wildlife trading, but the ban should be forever,” said Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Earth. “The ban should include not only wet markets, but supermarkets restaurants and e-commerce platforms. Wild animals belong in nature.” The NGO plans to send all the signatures to the Chinese government with the suggestion that they become the world’s new wildlife conservation leader.
As of January 30, 2020, more than 8124 cases of the Wuhan Coranavirus have been confirmed in China, causing more than 171 deaths. The virus is becoming a worldwide threat as dozens of confirmed cases arise in 14 places outside of mainland China, including at least five in the US, according to CNN. The Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted from animals to human. The outbreak comes probably from a snake and has been traced to a market in Wuhan known for selling wild animals for consumptions including dogs, turtles, bats, snakes, giant salamander, crocodiles, hedgehogs and marmots.China is the world’s largest market for wildlife products, which is estimated to be a $20 billion global enterprise—fourth insize only after the illegal drug trade, human smuggling and illegal weapons trafficking. Bray added, “Wildlife trafficking undermines human security in resource-dependent local communities, severely harms the way of life of indigenous people and causes substantial economic losses.”If these wildlife markets persist, we will continue to face heightened risks from emerging new lethal viruses and pandemic spread.

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Alipay Ant Forest Named UN Champion of the Earth

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 22 settembre 2019

Alipay Ant Forest, a green initiative on the world’s leading payment and lifestyle platform Alipay, has been awarded the United Nation’s highest environmental honor – the “UN Champions of the Earth” award – for inspiring over half a billion people to take action in their daily lives to live greener lifestyles and help protect the environment through the power of digital technology.Launched in the Alipay app in August 2016, the Ant Forest green initiative encourages users to adopt low-carbon activities — such as paying utility bills online, and walking or taking buses to work instead of driving — in their daily lives. Such behavior is counted and converted into virtual “green energy points” that accumulate to grow a virtual “tree” in the user’s mobile phone. With enough energy points, the virtual tree is converted into a real one and planted by Alipay and its philanthropic partners in desertification areas that need reforesting. In turn, this tree-planting initiative has inspired users to further adopt low-carbon and environment-friendly behavior.
By August 2019, Alipay Ant Forest has attracted over 500 million users, resulting in 122 million trees planted in arid areas in China, and the avoidance of 7.9 million tons of carbon emission. It’s influence has also traveled beyond China. Inspired by Alipay Ant Forest, the Philippines’ leading mobile wallet GCash introduced GCash Forest on its App in June 2019, enabling local users to contribute to reforestation and environmental preservation by adopting low carbon activities in their daily.

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National Geographic Begins Casting for Race to the Center of the Earth

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 20 giugno 2019

Do you have the grit and endurance to take on a global adventure race and to navigate your way, day after day, for a chance to win $1,000,000? National Geographic is casting contestants for Race to the Center of the Earth, an extreme, nonelimination competition series that pits four teams of three contestants against one another in a nonstop adventure across the globe. Teams start from different corners of the earth and race to be the first to reach the remote location that holds the $1,000,000 prize.
“Not only are we looking for people who are diverse and exciting, but we’re looking for those who really embody the legacy of National Geographic’s yellow border — passionate and adventurous explorers who constantly push their personal boundaries to go further,” said Bertram van Munster. “We hope that these teams, along with the beautiful global backdrop, will inspire others to step out of their own comfort zones and go on their own fantastic adventures.”The eight-part series, produced by NMC from a format by Plum Pictures, will challenge these fearless, passionate adventurers and weekend warriors with navigating their designated route, and they’ll face unpredictable terrains, harsh climates and unique cultures as they make their way to the finish. Along the way, they will trek through untamed jungles, frozen tundra, arid deserts, bustling cities and imposing mountains and sail vast open seas to reach the place where all four routes intersect — a remote and challenging location where the prize awaits. The first team to arrive claims it all.Additional terms and eligibility requirements will apply; see details on the application website. In order to complete the application in full, all applicants will need to submit a short video explaining the dynamics of their team.

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Earth Networks Announces U.S. Winter Weather Outlook

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 18 novembre 2018

Earth Networks released its 2018-2019 U.S. Winter Outlook today, predicting above normal snow in the mountains of the Southwest and southern Appalachians and below normal snowfall in the Northern Plains and Western Great Lakes.
As accurately forecast by Earth Networks Meteorologists, last winter was largely driven by a La Niña, which is a pattern of cooling in the Equatorial Pacific waters. It was a warm winter, in the top third of all winters for warmest and driest conditions since records began being recorded in the late 1800s.The Earth Networks Outlook considers a developing weak to moderate El Niño, Equatorial Pacific Ocean temperature anomalies, Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), which refer to the high-altitude winds near the equator that impact global circulation patterns, as well as recent climate trends. Indications for this winter are that a weak to moderate El Niño is developing. Our current pattern will hold during December, but in January, the QBO will become more positive resulting in an increased risk of above average temperatures in the Northwest and Northern Plains. In February, polar air is expected to be confined north of the U.S. border, producing an increased chance of warmer conditions for most of the country particularly in the Central and Northern Plains.

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Friends of the Earth International urges states to advance talks on binding treaty to reign in corporate abuse

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 20 ottobre 2017

amsterdamAmsterdam. Ahead of the next round of talks on a UN treaty on transnational corporations and human rights in Geneva on 23-27 October 2017, Friends of the Earth International is urging states to enter constructively on negotiations for a legally binding treaty to hold transnational corporations to account on human rights and environmental abuses.Lucia Ortiz, Friends of the Earth International, said:“There are currently hundreds of legally binding agreements to protect the commercial interests of transnational corporations abroad, but no treaty to hold them to account on human rights. We need a binding treaty that will reign in abuses. Concrete treaty elements are now on the table to provide a minimum basis for negotiations, but the UN process must be protected from undue influence of big business and avoid conflict of interest of non-state actors participation.”According to Friends of the Earth International and its member groups around the world, transnational corporations fuel global climate, food, financial and humanitarian crises, and their disregard for the environment and intimidation of local activists defending it must be stopped. Apollin Koagne Zouapet, Friends of the Earth Africa, said:
“For the thousands of communities affected by corporate impunity in Africa and elsewhere, a treaty would provide the right to justice through an international tribunal. In some cases, the very survival of certain local indigenous peoples depends on it.”Alberto Villarreal, Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean, said:“Transnational corporations are ravaging our territories to further boost profits, but hide behind their hundreds of national identities and their chains of supply to escape responsibility for the impacts of their decisions. The corporate veil must be lifted and corporate decision makers brought to account.” Khalisah Khalid, Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific, said:
“International financial institutions and transnational corporations are currently shielded by immunity from legal suits. The treaty must enable aggrieved parties to hold corporations to account through local courts and international tribunals. It must also protect environment defenders, especially women, who are more vulnerable to pressure when defending their territories form corporate greed.”
Anne van Schaik, Friends of the Earth Europe said:“The European Commission (EC) is still very reluctant to engage in this process.. Yet European citizens and the European Parliament have spoken out repeatedly in support of the treaty. France has already adopted a pioneering law on duty of care for multinationals in 2017 that could inspire them. The EC needs to embrace this opportunity and show its citizens that it cares about human rights.”This will be the third session of the intergovernmental working group (IWG) on transnational corporations and other business enterprises on human rights. Negotiations on the draft text of the Treaty elements are expected and environmental organizations, affected communities and social movements worldwide will be mobilized to monitor the UN process and its outcomes.A Friends of the Earth International delegation will be present at the session, including environmental justice activists, human rights defenders and representatives of affected communities from: Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, El Salvador, Finland, France, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Mozambique, Netherlands, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Uruguay.

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Earth Fare Offers American Families Clean Meal Solutions That Beat the Drive-Thru

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 1 settembre 2017

Earth Fare's Daily DealsAt Earth Fare, we believe that families deserve access to Clean, healthy meal options, and shouldn’t have to sacrifice when it comes to cost or convenience. To meet this need, Earth Fare announces Clean Food Security™, a selection of Clean, healthy, and convenient meals designed to feed a family of four, seven days a week, for an average of $2.50 per person per meal. “There’s a misconception that Clean, healthy eating costs more. The truth is, not taking care of our health through the foods we eat is what’s really costly,” said Frank Scorpiniti, Earth Fare’s president and CEO. “Our customers are able to shop confidently, knowing that the items they buy are the Cleanest, healthiest products available and Clean Food Security™ allows them to feed a family of four dinner for just $10.”Earth Fare set out to leverage current in-store offerings to build a week’s worth of Clean meals at a price-point that beats the drive-thru. At the core of this program is their ready-to-go Daily Deal line-up. Each Daily Deal is accompanied by Earth Fare brand products, all sourced with non-GMO ingredients and priced below national brand as well as other “price-locked” items around the store to ensure a well-rounded and balanced meal solution. The complete meal planner can be found at
“It’s no secret that life expectancy in America is on the decline, but it’s within our power to reverse that trend and get on a path toward living longer, healthier lives,” said Scorpiniti. “We have to stop accepting the misconception that healthy eating is not readily accessible and is time-consuming. It simply doesn’t need to be that way.” Earth Fare made headlines earlier this year when they challenged Americans to take back control of their health through their food choices and Live Longer With Earth Fare®. Since 1975, Earth Fare has distinguished itself as a leader in the healthy foods industry by developing a unique Food Philosophy that informs every product offered in the store. This Food Philosophy ensures that all products sold are free of high fructose corn syrup, artificial fats and trans-fats, artificial colors, artificial preservatives, artificial sweeteners, bleached or bromated flour, and are never administered antibiotics or growth hormones. In addition, Earth Fare just announced that its more than 750 private brand food products are now sourced using only non-GMO ingredients, and new products are added to the shelves each day. (photo: Earth Fare’s Daily Deals)

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Did comets kick-start life on Earth?

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 25 novembre 2016

pianeta terraThe origins of life on Earth are still shrouded in mystery. One compelling possibility may be that comets delivered the building blocks for life billions of years ago. This week, Speaking of Chemistry explains the chemistry behind how these icy, lumpy space rocks might have seeded life on Earth.
Speaking of Chemistry is a production of Chemical & Engineering News, a weekly magazine of the American Chemical Society. It’s the series that keeps you up to date with the important and fascinating chemistry shaping the world around you. Subscribe to the series at, and follow us on Twitter @CENMag. The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With nearly 157,000 members, ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio. Check out the video here:

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Dolphin-Safe Monitoring Program’s Annual Report highlights achievements and successful partnership with Friend of the Sea

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 21 aprile 2014

earth instituteEarth Island Institute’s International Monitoring Program has released its 2013 Annual Report of the Dolphin Safe Monitoring Program. The program which started in the early 90s, encompasses now more than 508 tuna companies, brokers, fishermen, and retail outlets in 70 countries. All Dolphin-Safe companies commit to tuna fishing practices which to not encircle dolphins and reduce bycatch of turtles, albatross and sharks. Dolphins mortality in the Eastern Tropical Pacific has consequently decreased by 98% since the launching of the program.Tuna companies have to be Dolphin-Safe approved by the EII in order to apply for Friend of the Sea certification. 20 tuna fisheries and fleets have been approved Friend of the Sea and over 60 companies have products certified. 375 tuna vessels have been approved friend of the Sea worldwide.For decades, the EII and Friend of the Sea have made companies aware of the issues related to unsustainable fishing practices and they have lead producers to reduce their environmental impact on marine mammals and the marine ecosystem in general.“The Earth Island Institute’s Dolphin-Safe project” explains Paolo Bray (Director of Friend of the Sea and European Coordinator of Dolphin-Safe program), “has been the precursor project of the sustainable seafood movement. When the EII started the Monitoring Program, 30 years ago, ‘sustainability’ was an almost unknown word in the industry.”“Verifying the dolphin-safe operations of tuna companies around the world” comments David C. Phillips, Executive Director of Earth Island Institute, “ has been instrumental for the protection of dolphins and other marine lives as well as providing consumers’ confidence in tuna products. The Earth Island Institute fully supports Friend of the Sea and invites Dolphin-Safe companies to join the program.”

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Banana Moon Not Monkeying Around With Customer Service

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 7 gennaio 2012

Banana Moon

Image via Wikipedia

Birstall, England. Banana Moon are eliminating the monkey business from their orders with the introduction of a new customer portal. The Birstall-based company, which specialises in personalised clothing, has seen productivity rise significantly since the system’s introduction, with five days being cut off their average turnaround time.The portal, which shows Banana Moon’s trademark mascot “Mo the Monkey” acting out every stage of the order, allows customers to track the progress of their order from the moment it is placed, to the products leaving the factory.The different steps include the order being placed, the design in progress, the design being ready for proof checking, the clothing being produced and finally the shipping of the product. The introduction of the portal is part of Banana Moon’s on-going pledge to provide the best customer service on the market.Alex Grace, Marketing Director, said: “Here at Banana Moon we’re completely focussed on making the customer’s experience an enjoyable one. We know that with products like personalised clothing, it’s important to make sure that the customer is kept bang up to date, especially in the design phase. This new portal allows us to add a personal touch to the order, whilst also cutting out the unnecessary phone calls to the customer. This has seen us chop a massive five days off our order turnaround in some cases”.He added: “I’m sure we’ve all had a stressful online experience and been kept in the dark over the progress of the order. Now with the help of our portal, and of course Mo the Monkey, we firmly believe that Banana Moon customers will have the best possible experience when ordering from us”.
Banana Moon have been in the clothing industry for almost 20 years and specialise in personalised hoodies, t-shirts, jackets and many more. Their products are perfect for a wide variety of purposes, including sports teams, university societies, holiday souvenirs and many more.

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