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Posts Tagged ‘diversity’

Oxford University’s other diversity crisis

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 6 marzo 2023

When Henry began his teaching at Oxford, he hoped it would help him secure a permanent job. According to his recollection, no one employed by the university had ever outlined how unlikely this outcome was. He remembers being told on just one occasion – six years into his academic career – that permanent roles were scarce. Over the next seven years, Henry hopped from one fixed-term contract to the next. (British law dictates that successive fixed-term contracts can last a maximum of four years in total before a person is, in most cases, presumed by law to be a permanent employee. But because each of the colleges at Oxford is considered a separate employer, academics can be caught in limbo for years.) As soon as he finished one contract, he would start searching for his next, a time-consuming process. Some of his contracts lasted only the academic year, which meant the summers – when most academics are meant to do their research – went unpaid, as did the months-long periods between contracts.Henry was comparatively lucky: other academics he knew held ad-hoc teaching positions, which were paid by the hour. Even so, he shuttled from one house-share to the next, often unsure how he would pay the rent. His friends stopped inviting him out, because they knew he could not afford to join them. Another academic in a similar situation told me that she never put the heating on and shopped as frugally as possible; even so, she still only had about £7 a day to live on, once rent had been taken care of. Font: The Economist

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Comgest – Diversity: il carburante che alimenta un motore inclusivo

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 22 agosto 2022

A cura di Zak Smerczak, Gestore del fondo Comgest Growth World di Comgest. Dal nostro punto di vista, la diversità cognitiva è una comprensione piuttosto pigra di ciò che causa un pensiero differenziato. È importante, ma ogni nostro pensiero è influenzato dai nostri geni, circoli sociali, esperienze di vita e associazioni in “tribù”: il vecchio dibattito “innato contro acquisito”. Mentre le vecchie “tribù” possono essere state costruite sulla diversità e sull’esclusione, le “tribù” moderne possono promuovere la diversità come vantaggiosa per la collaborazione, per l’essere interconnessi con altre tribù con la possibilità di avere reti multiformi ed estese. L’elevata diversità cognitiva del team si traduce in un aumento della produttiva del 66% proprio perché in genere al suo interno vi sono persone che rendono possibile questa diversità. In questo modo, la diversità di pensiero risulta essere l’esito naturale della diversità stessa.Negli ultimi cinque anni, la diversità di genere ha registrato un modesto aumento, con un incremento dell’1% del numero di gestori di portafoglio donne che ora rappresentano l’11,8% del totale, mentre nel 2019 il divario retributivo medio nel settore della gestione degli investimenti risultava essere pari al 31%. A questo ritmo ci vorranno 200 anni per raggiungere la parità di genere (in linea con la popolazione globale).Il divario retributivo può esistere anche oltre le linee di genere. Nel Regno Unito c’è una netta differenza ingiustificata, per esempio, tra le retribuzioni percepite da persone che provengono dalle classi lavoratrici rispetto a quelle che provengono da famiglie di professionisti, e l’insicurezza finanziaria è concentrata in molti gruppi di “outsider” come le donne, le minoranze etniche e nere, e tra le persone che abitano nelle regioni più povere. Considerando che l’insicurezza finanziaria genera ansia e incide sulla salute mentale (un’altra dimensione della diversità), è facile immaginarsi una spirale discendente e per alcuni versi ineludibile.Realizzare un profitto non è l’unico scopo di un’azienda e forse è il paradigma della “vecchia scuola”. L’importante non è investire nelle “persone” nei momenti positivi, ma farlo anche nei momenti negativi. Durante questa pandemia abbiamo prestato molta attenzione all’intento strategico delle nostre società partecipate in materia di fidelizzazione dei dipendenti, di supporto e ristrutturazioni. In base alla nostra esperienza, sappiamo che una leadership focalizzata sul lungo termine e la protezione del personale possono tradursi in risultati futuri premianti. MTU e Amadeus (società che operano nel settore dei viaggi) si sono trovate in una posizione prominente durante la crisi causata dal Covid e, pur non avendo altra scelta se non quella di tagliare i costi, i loro management team hanno cercato di evitare i licenziamenti riducendo strategicamente il loro organico attraverso piani di prepensionamento o partenze volontarie. LVMH, Unilever e L’Oréal sono altri esempi di aziende che, a nostro avviso, hanno reagito in modo esemplare al Covid. Unilever, in particolare, in quanto leader nei mercati emergenti per l’igiene e la cura della persona, ha abbracciato di più rispetto ai suoi omologhi la loro esigenza di localizzazione e ha applicato il concetto di D&I a tutte le funzioni. La diversità e il comportamento inclusivo, a nostro giudizio, mitigano i rischi e portano a decisioni migliori. Un miglior processo decisionale può significare rendimenti sostenibili a lungo termine che hanno un impatto positivo al di là del rendimento finanziario. Di conseguenza, non abbiamo paura di cercare il miglioramento continuo – individuare i nostri errori, imparare da essi e condividere tali lezioni. Ribadire la lezione fondamentale di Nelson Mandela, “Each one, teach one” (“Ciascuno insegni ad uno”). Il programma di Microsoft “Vieni come sei. Fa quello che ami…” ha, a nostro avviso, consentito di applicare design innovativi per prodotti scalabili studiati su misura per soddisfare le esigenze locali e che tengono conto anche degli utenti disabili delle loro interfacce. La società ha fatto molta strada dal decennio perduto in cui una cultura incentrata sulle vendite ha distrutto l’innovazione e il valore aggiunto per i clienti. La CEO donna di Accenture è la genesi culturale di programmi antesignani inclusivi che già nei lontani anni Cinquanta supportavano le donne che si occupavano di coding, che si è tradotto in un aumento di applicazioni tra i clienti.

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Payden & Rygel aderisce al nuovo Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Code del CFA Institute

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 1 Maggio 2022

Los Angeles, Londra, Boston, Milano. La Società fa parte di un gruppo di 16 istituzioni finanziarie che per prime hanno firmato il Codice e che insieme rappresentano circa 4 mila miliardi di dollari di masse sottoposte a consulenza e oltre 2.5 mila miliardi di masse in gestione. Payden & Rygel, tra le principali società di gestione indipendenti e non quotate al mondo con oltre 146 miliardi di dollari in gestione, annuncia di essere stata tra i primi firmatari – insieme ad altre organizzazioni del settore investimenti – del nuovo Codice per la Diversità, l’Equità e l’Inclusione (“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Code for the Investment Profession in the United States and Canada” o “Codice DEI”) lanciato a febbraio 2022 dal CFA Institute, associazione che riunisce i professionisti degli investimenti a livello globale.Al Codice DEI, rivolto agli operatori professionali del settore investimenti di Stati Uniti e Canada, hanno finora aderito su base volontaria 16 società, che insieme rappresentano circa 4 mila miliardi di dollari di masse sottoposte a consulenza (assets under advise) e oltre 2.5 mila miliardi di masse in gestione (assets under management).Joan A. Payden, CFA, fondatrice e CEO di Payden & Rygel, ha così commentato l’iniziativa: “Fin dalla nostra fondazione, 38 anni fa, abbiamo posto l’accento sull’importanza della collaborazione per creare un ambiente in cui la competizione sia esterna alla Società, piuttosto che interna. Questo approccio ci ha permesso di promuovere una cultura inclusiva, dove tutte le voci trovano ascolto e sono rispettate, e dove il dibattito costruttivo è costantemente incoraggiato. Crediamo che questa caratteristica culturale, insieme a passione e impegno, possa consolidare ulteriormente le relazioni con i clienti e attrarre risorse di talento, favorendo il continuo miglioramento dei risultati dei nostri investimenti. Crediamo nell’importanza di essere leader nel nostro settore, che soffre di una cronica sottorappresentazione di diversi gruppi, e ci impegniamo ad aderire a soluzioni come il DEI Code del CFA Institute per colmare queste lacune”. I firmatari del DEI Code si impegnano a rispettare sei principi basati su metriche predefinite e ad accelerare e amplificare l’impatto del loro impegno, promuovendo la diversità, l’equità e l’inclusione dal punto di vista economico, aziendale ed etico. Maggiori informazioni sul DEI Code sono disponibili su società che per prime hanno aderito al Codice DEI dal suo lancio, oltre a Payden & Rygel, sono: BentallGreenOak, Callan, CalPERS, Cambridge Associates, Creative Investment Research, Crescent Capital, Fiera Capital Corporation, First Nations Financial Management Board, GMO, MassPRIM, Northern Trust, SLC Management e Trident.

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Microsoft ha rilasciato il Diversity & Inclusion Report 2020

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 27 ottobre 2020

Un report che scatta una fotografia di come la diversità e l’inclusione siano integrate nella cultura aziendale a livello globale. Qualche insight interessante: rispetto al 2019 cresce dell’1% il numero dei dipendenti donna a livello globale che si attesta ora al 28,6% sul totale della forza lavoro (+1% vs. 2019). Percentuale che sale al 30% se consideriamo solo Microsoft Italia (+1,4% vs. 2019) cresce la diversity anche in termini di etnia negli Stati Uniti, si registra infatti: + 0,3% dei dipendenti afro-americani che ora rappresentano il 4,9% della forza lavoro + 0,3% dei dipendenti ispanici, per un totale del 6,6% dei dipendenti +1,6% di dipendenti asiatici rispetto al 2019, che attualmente costituiscono il 34,7% della forza lavoro statunitense. Inclusione e rispetto, tutela e valorizzazione della diversità rappresentano un elemento imprescindibile e fondante della visione di Microsoft, a livello globale e locale. L’azienda infatti, impegnata da sempre a proteggere e valorizzare i diritti di tutte le persone senza distinzione di genere, etnia, condizione fisica e orientamento sessuale.Diversità e Inclusione non possono non considerare le persone con disabilità. I dipendenti con disabilità sono stati promotori di molte grandi innovazioni Microsoft come i Learning Tools, i sottotitoli in tempo reale su Teams, l’Adaptive Controller di Xbox e Seeing AI, solo per fare qualche esempio. La disabilità è un punto di forza ed è fondamentale per l’azienda continuare a lavorare attivamente per assumere persone con disabilità e portare la loro esperienza e competenza nei processi, nei prodotti e nella cultura aziendale a tutti i livelli. Negli Stati Uniti, il 6,1% dei dipendenti Microsoft si definisce disabile, ovvero dichiara di avere una disabilità fisica mentale o cognitiva. Microsoft ha incoraggiato i dipendenti a identificarsi volontariamente come portatori di disabilità proprio per poter promuovere un ambiente e una cultura sempre più sicuri e inclusivi e supportare i dipendenti in modo appropriato ed efficace. Inoltre, in un momento storico, quello della crisi sanitaria, che ha messo ancora di più in luce le disuguaglianze sociali, Microsoft ha rafforzato ulteriormente il suo impegno nel promuovere una cultura dell’inclusione e la valorizzazione della diversità attraverso programmi e iniziative di welfare aziendale dedicate ai propri dipendenti, per aiutarli ad affrontare un momento particolarmente complesso e a ristabilire un equilibrio tra vita privata e professionale in un contesto di lockdown e smart working forzato. Infine, Microsoft per garantire pari opportunità a tutti i suoi dipendenti arricchisce costantemente programmi interni di formazione per valorizzare i propri talenti permettendo loro di cogliere opportunità di crescita professionale all’interno dell’azienda.

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Cubic Hosts Unconscious Bias Bus Tour to Raise Awareness on Importance of Diversity and Inclusion

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 6 novembre 2019

“I took the pledge with CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion because I believe it is imperative that we strive and work towards creating a diverse and inclusive workforce,” said Bradley H. Feldmann, chairman, president and chief executive officer. “With innovation as the backbone of everything we do at Cubic, we must foster a work environment that is diverse and inclusive in order to drive a culture of innovative thinking.” The Check Your Blind Spots tour was created by CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, the largest CEO-driven business commitment to improve diversity and inclusion within the workplace. Cubic is a proud signatory of the CEO Action coalition.

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The National Diversity Coalition Calls on Tom and Kat Steyer to Cease Predatory Lending

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 17 ottobre 2019

The National Diversity Coalition (“NDC”) today issued a letter to the CFPB, FDIC, Treasury and California State regulatory officials calling for action to protect vulnerable borrowers being victimized by predatory lending practices at Beneficial State Bank (“Beneficial”). NDC also called for Beneficial Co-Founders Tom and Kat Steyer to cease its predatory practices and remediate all damage inflicted on the over ten thousand consumer borrowers who have been subjected to Beneficial’s predatory lending program since its launch in 2017.Specifically, NDC calls on Billionaire Presidential Candidate Tom Steyer and Beneficial to immediately take the following remediation actions:
To cease its deceptive marketing of its sub-prime lending program as “Pre-Prime.” This causes borrowers to believe the bank has collected sufficient information and conducted sufficient underwriting to have a reasonable basis to believe each borrower is in fact “pre-prime” or on a path to be a prime borrower. NDC’s investigation has uncovered no evidence that Beneficial has created a reasonable basis to form such an opinion with respect to any specific borrower. In fact, the average FICO for borrowers at Beneficial inappropriately called “Pre-Prime” is under 580 – a score defined by Experian to apply to borrowers with “Very Poor” credit. Therefore, Beneficial must cease and desist from using such misleading promotional language intended to deceive borrowers.
To cease its deceptive marketing of its “Potential Fees Avoided” metric which misleadingly compares its rates to theoretical pay-day lending rates, which do not necessarily reflect the next best alternative form of financing accessible to a borrower. It is disingenuous to suggest that Beneficial’s high-interest rate consumer loan actually saves borrowers any money without analyzing a borrower’s ability to access alternative sources of credit. In fact, “Pre-Prime” borrowers would not necessarily have to rely on payday lenders as the best alternative in the market. Therefore, Beneficial’s Money Saved calculation is deceptive and misleading. To cease targeting undocumented residents and other vulnerable populations with Beneficial’s highest rate loan program without ensuring borrowers have access to independent credit counselors prior to the closing of the loan and upon the delinquency of a loan. Beneficial must ensure vulnerable borrowers are educated and well represented in making their credit decisions and defending their rights.The National Diversity Coalition believes that Beneficial has an obligation to evaluate a consumer’s ability to afford the loans Beneficial makes to them, and to not make hard money loans that require foreclosure or repossession as a core form of repayment. Even presidential candidates and politically connected billionaires like Tom Steyer should be held accountable for predatory lending.The National Diversity Coalition calls on Tom Steyer and Beneficial State Bank to immediately remediate the harm they have inflicted on consumer borrowers through their predatory practices. We also call on all relevant regulatory agencies to move quickly to ensure no further harm is inflicted on vulnerable borrowers by Beneficial.

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Diversity & Governance: strategie e policy aziendali

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 18 settembre 2019

Milano Giovedì 19 settembre 2019 – Piazza Borromeo 12, 17:00 – 19:00 Seminario. Il seminario si propone di approfondire il tema della diversity data analysis: come raccogliere i dati organizzativi, aggregarli e interpretarli per individuare criticità e opportunità di miglioramento in tema gender, LGBT, disabilità, età e multiculturalità.Sarà esaminato il contesto normativo e le prassi di riferimento, con focus specifico su recruiting, gestione del rapporto di lavoro e casistica in materia di discriminazione.Verranno inoltre delineate le best practice per la costruzione della diversity policy governance aziendale e analizzati i rating finanziari di riferimento.Interverranno:
Mariella Bruno, Founder – Diversity Opportunity
Andrea Gangemi, Socio – Portolano Cavallo, Responsabile area Labor & Employment
Federico Neri, Harman Tech Lead – Harman International
Patrizia Tomasicchio, HR Director Southern Europe – Pandora

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Ross University School of Medicine and Saint Peter’s University Partner to Increase Physician Diversity

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 17 agosto 2019

Hispanics comprise 18 percent1 of the U.S. population yet are only 5 percent2 of U.S. physicians. In an effort to drive diversity in the physician workforce, Saint Peter’s University and Ross University School of Medicine (RUSM) announced an agreement to help more Hispanics attend medical school. The agreement, signed today at Saint Peter’s campus, creates an educational pathway program for Saint Peter’s graduates to study medicine at RUSM. Qualified Saint Peter’s students who earn full acceptance into the medical school will receive a scholarship for first semester tuition at the RUSM campus in Barbados.
As an HSI, Saint Peter’s has been consistently recognized for its commitment to serving Latino students. In 2016, Saint Peter’s was awarded the Title III HSI STEM grant for $3.8 million to support SURGE (STEM Undergraduate Retention, Graduation, and Empowerment) that provides opportunities for research. In 2018 Saint Peter’s also received the National Science Foundation’s first-ever Hispanic serving grant for $1.5 million to build STEM internship experiences. Most recently Saint Peter’s was selected as one of 20 nationwide finalists to receive a Seal of Excelencia certification from Excelencia in Education, a nonprofit organization that seeks to accelerate Latino student success in higher education.
RUSM is an International Member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. RUSM has also announced four similar agreements with minority serving institutions over the past year, including: Charles R. Drew University, Dillard University, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, and Tuskegee University. As part of its continued commitment to addressing diversity, RUSM’s parent company, Adtalem Global Education (NYSE: ATGE), signed on to the HBCU Partnership Challenge created by the Congressional Bipartisan HBCU Caucus, pledging to invest in creating strategic collaborations with HBCUs and working to increase diversity in key workforce sectors.Having recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, RUSM’s 14,000-plus diverse alumni practice medicine throughout North America and across all specialties, including a high percentage of graduates who enter the in-demand field of primary care. More than a quarter of RUSM students identify as black or Hispanic, with RUSM earning a 96 percent USMLE Step 1 first-time pass rate in 2018. RUSM also achieved a 92 percent residency attainment rate for first-time-eligible 2018-2019 graduates, and of the 647 RUSM medical students who attained residency in March of 2019, 82 were black and 61 were Hispanic.

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PEMCO Insurance Welcomes New Diversity & Inclusion Manager

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 28 luglio 2019

PEMCO Insurance is pleased to welcome B. Maurice Ward as Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) manager to its Office of Diversity, which oversees the company’s internal and external communications and initiatives. Ward joins PEMCO with more than 15 years of experience in building inclusive, innovative programs and partnerships that benefit youth, families and communities. In his role, Ward drives company-wide D&I initiatives, deploying compliance, diversity and inclusion principles that enhance employee engagement, recruitment practices and relationships with supplier networks, among others.Prior to joining PEMCO, Ward worked to improve the juvenile justice system and human services for several organizations including DSHS-Rehabilitation Administration, Multicultural Counseling Services, Ltd., and Cardinal Consulting, LLC, where he was recognized for leading advanced policy reform at the national, state and local levels.Ward formerly served as member of the Washington Partnership Council on Juvenile Justice (WA-PCJJ), co-chair of the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Committee, and supportive member of the Behavioral Health Committee. He is a licensed chemical dependency professional (CDP), certified counselor advisor (CV), moral reconation therapy (MRT) instructor, and has extensive knowledge in case management, racial and ethnic disparity reform, and gang intervention and prevention.
Ward graduated from Seattle Central College and served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Camden. He enjoys running, working out and playing soccer with his two children.

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New publication: Religious Diversity in Europe and the Rights of Religious Minorities

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 9 febbraio 2019

CEC’s new publication Religious Diversity in Europe and the Rights of Religious Minorities, edited by Dr Elizabeta Kitanovic and Rev. Dr Patrick Roger Schnabel is now out! The publication, produced in partnership with contains contributions from experts brought together by CEC in Zagreb, Croatia to discuss the challenges facing minority churches, and religious minorities in general. The European landscape presents many difficulties for these communities. Some struggle with obtaining legal status, some are subject to discrimination, exclusion or even open hostility. Widespread prejudices, destruction or confiscation of property, and barriers to religious rituals and ceremonies make daily life difficult for many communities across the continent.CEC, and the participants gathered at the Zagreb conference, are convinced that minorities bring value to societies, and that deeper religious literacy, enhanced understanding, and fostering dialogue will contribute to their flourishing.Digital copies of Religious Diversity in Europe and the Rights of Religious Minorities may be downloaded from the CEC website and print copies may be ordered through our publishing partner, (by

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International Migration, Cultural Diversity, and Inequalities

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 12 gennaio 2018

migrantsInternational migration continues to grow on a scale never seen before, bringing with it social and cultural diversity, and inequalities in living standards. At the same time, the world has seen a sharp rise in terrorism, threats of war, populist politics and significant lack of confidence in leadership. Survey after survey in recent years have pointed to the significant connections between strong academic achievement and arts learning. But can the arts build on its foundation of “universal language” and actually bring cultures closer together?Professor Ada Aharoni, who lives in Israel and is the founding President of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC), believes that education has a critical role to play in the peace process. Intercultural communication, peace literature and a peace media can substantially help in healing the urgent ailments of our global village. However, Aharoni notes, “Peace and tolerance education should be given to the teachers and the parents too. If a child goes back home after class to parents that are intolerant and violent, the child, despite his peace and tolerance education at school, will be forcefully influenced by the values, customs and traditions of his parents.” Today’s youth are living in a globalized world, and a true global citizen according to Aharoni is, “a human guardian of all the people in our global village, and not only of the country she or he lives in.” Professor Ada Aharoni received the President Shimon Peres Award for Peace in 2012 for her peace research, her books and her work with IFLAC. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014.

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State Street Honored for Diversity and Inclusion Work

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 29 ottobre 2017

new yorkNew York. State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) announced today that it has received several honors for its diversity and inclusion work from the Association of ERGs & Councils, Working Mother magazine and OUTstanding.The Association of ERGs & Councils presented State Street with its 2017 ERG & Council Honors Award™ in recognition of its Professional Women’s Network (PWN). The award is the only annual, national award that recognizes and honors the outstanding contributions and achievements of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), Business Resource Groups (BRGs) and Diversity Councils. This is the second consecutive year that State Street’s PWN has been recognized by the association. “The 2017 ERG & Council Honors Award recipients are a diverse combination of US organizations representing most sectors, geographies and sizes,” stated Fernando Serpa, executive director of the Association of ERGs & Councils. “We had a record increase in applications this year representing 1,330 ERGs, BRGs, Diversity Councils and their chapters. This is by far the most competitive and exciting field to date.” State Street’s PWN has 12 chapters, spanning 26 offices globally, and focuses on networking, developing public speaking and other professional skills. The group is the largest employee network at State Street with more than 4,000 members.State Street was also recently named to Working Mother magazine’s “100 Best Companies” list in the US and India in recognition of its history of creating progressive programs for its workforce in the areas of advancement of women, work flexibility, childcare and paid parental leave. This is the fourth year State Street has been included on the list in the US.In addition, four of State Street’s executives have been honored by OUTstanding, a professional network for LGBT+ executives and their allies.State Street Chief Marketing Officer Hannah Grove and Kim Newell Chebator, executive vice president and Chief Administrative Officer in Europe, Middle East and Africa, were named to OUTstanding’s LGBT Leading Ally Executives list. Steven Chan, managing director and regional head of regulatory, industry and government affairs in Asia Pacific was named to the Leading LGBT+ Executives list, and Marion Bentata, assistant vice president in Credit Risk EMEA and APAC, was named to the Future Leader list. The executives were named to the lists in recognition of their support and leadership in the LGBT community. The lists, presented by the Financial Times, were compiled through nominations from peers and clients.

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Frost & Sullivan Leads the Way with GLOW, An Innovative Approach to Ensuring Growth & Leadership of Women

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 9 giugno 2017

london-centralLONDON GLOW (Growth & Leadership of Women) is Frost & Sullivan’s global initiative aimed at supporting and enhancing growth and leadership of its professional women. The company plans to lead the way as an innovative global organisation that recognises the huge benefits that diversity at every level can bring to a company.
There has been much media coverage on the importance of leveraging women in the workforce Frost & Sullivan research shows that gender gaps in salary, titles, and opportunities are closing. As a company that focuses on supporting its clients to accelerate growth through innovation, Frost & Sullivan is leveraging its strategic know-how to find inventive solutions to close this gap.It’s no secret that, for a long time, men have made the majority of decisions on product design, sales and marketing, and R&D. However, the key buyers and influencers of products and services are often female. Furthermore, technological advances and standardisation are increasing competition across industries, making it difficult for companies to differentiate themselves. Reaching the end user has also become much more complex, and selling a product or service now requires creative thinking. Tapping into the female segment for talent not only provides organisations with a new perspective, it gives them an inside look into the thinking of people who make at least half of the purchases worldwide. “Frost & Sullivan is applying its unique research methods and strategic skills to tackle these global challenges that many organisations face,” noted Frost & Sullivan Digital Transformation Global Vice President Alpa Shah. “Collected data shows that the company starts out of the gate at full speed: whereas the number of men and women on staff is quite close for junior to mid-senior levels, women drop off considerably as one moves up the ladder. Reasons for this decline may be children or family, work-life balance, insufficient incentives, better opportunities elsewhere, or lack of recognition. However, Frost & Sullivan is determined to change this statistic: the company’s Board and Partners recognise that innovation is only possible by bringing new perspectives to the table. By mentoring and empowering the best and brightest women, Frost & Sullivan aims at incorporating more women into the critical corporate decision-making needed to thrive in this competitive landscape.” An extensive survey of the organisation will help identify the gender gaps and determine the career growth needs of its staff. After analysing the results, training modules will be developed, and policies changed, in order to support both men and women. The changes will positively impact the entire workforce by giving everyone the skills and tools needed to better communicate, negotiate, and collaborate. The outcome of this process will give the company a significant edge.

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Learning city and cultural diversity

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 14 febbraio 2017

unescoRoma Giovedì 16 Febbraio 2017, ore 9:00 Palazzo Firenze, Loggia del Primaticcio Piazza di Firenze, 27 International Conference Learning City and Cultural Diversity Roma, Il Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università Roma Tre, in collaborazione con la Commissione Italiana Nazionale per l’Unesco, intende realizzare, un convegno scientifico a carattere internazionale sui temi relativi a learning city e diversità culturale, che rappresentano anche alcune delle priorità dell’Agenda 2030 sullo Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite. L’obiettivo dell’iniziativa è di presentare, in una prospettiva nazionale ed internazionale, il quadro d’insieme, teorico, metodologico ed esperienziale, sul tema delle learning cities. Le città, intese come metafora ed espressione territoriale, sociale, politica e culturale, possono essere mobilitate per dimostrare come usare efficacemente le loro risorse in tutti i settori, al fine di promuovere e arricchire il loro potenziale umano, sostenere la crescita personale lungo l’arco della vita, ma soprattutto dare impulso allo sviluppo dell’uguaglianza e della giustizia sociale, insieme con il mantenimento di una coesione sociale armoniosa. Tale posizione è inoltre arricchita dal concetto di human security, ormai parte integrante del lessico del settore politico, dei governi, del personale militare e non-governativo, che abbraccia questioni quali il crimine organizzato e non, i diritti umani e la buona governance, i conflitti armati, il genocidio e i crimini di massa, la salute e lo sviluppo, le risorse e l’ambiente. Inoltre il convegno si presenta come opportunità per stabilire e consolidare rapporti di collaborazione tra soggetti e istituzioni interessate al tema, appartenenti a diversi sistemi e ambiti istituzionali, culturali e della società civile; si prefigge così l’obiettivo di pervenire alla costituzione di un tavolo inter-istituzionale teso alla definizione di un documento condiviso di cui l’Ateneo di Roma Tre possa essere promotore. Gli attori coinvolti che hanno manifestato la volontà di partecipare attivamente al convegno sono, oltre alla Commissione Unesco già menzionata, il Centro Unesco per l’Apprendimento permanente con sede ad Amburgo, il Ministero dell’Interno, il Comando generale della Guardia Costiera – Capitanerie di Porto, l’Università di Glasgow, l’Università di Helsinki, l’amministrazione comunale della città di Torino che lo scorso anno ha ottenuto il riconoscimento quale learning city, il CNR, Il MIUR, la Rete Universitaria Italiana per l’Apprendimento Permanente (RUIAP), l’Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASVIS), il Centro Regionale di Informazione delle Nazioni Unite.

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Colombia Tops All Global Consumers Searching South Florida Real Estate in July

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 19 settembre 2015

miamiMIAMI — Colombia leads all foreign countries searching online for South Florida real estate, according to new statistics from the MIAMI Association of REALTORS® (MIAMI), the nation’s largest local Realtor group. Colombia overtook Brazil as the top country using MIAMI’s search portal,, in July 2015. Brazil had led all international consumers using for 13 consecutive months.Colombia’s rise to first place marks the first time the South American country has topped the monthly web searches since May 2014. Colombia had finished second to Brazil the last six months. The newly-released statistics also detail increased interest in South Florida properties from countries such as Venezuela and France.“Colombian home buyers have a long history of purchasing South Florida real estate, so the fact Colombia has overtaken Brazil for the most web property searches is not a surprise,” said Christopher Zoller, a 27-year Miami-based Realtor and the 2015 Residential President of MIAMI. “Colombians are so comfortable here in Miami. Our tremendous diversity, world-class shopping, and global business center not only attract Colombian buyers, but all consumers – international and domestic.”Colombian home buyers purchase the fourth-most South Florida real estate among all foreign countries, according to the 2014 Survey of International Home Purchases conducted by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) for the MIAMI Association of REALTORS® (MIAMI). The South American nation of 48 million residents registered 8 percent of all foreign South Florida deals last year. Venezuelan, Argentinian, and Brazilian buyers comprised South Florida’s top-three foreign markets.Colombians moving to South Florida are often upper-middle-class families who want to enjoy their prosperity earned in their homeland as professionals and entrepreneurs. Colombians spend the third-highest purchase price on South Florida properties among all foreigners, spending $420,000 on average. The average sale price for all buyers in Florida is $245,000.
Venezuelan and French consumers increased their online interest in South Florida real estate in July 2015. Brazil finished second while Venezuela and France finished third and fourth, respectively. Venezuela hadn’t finished this high in the monthly searches since it took third place in March 2015. France, meanwhile, had never finished in the top-four in web searches on France had the ninth-most web searches for South Florida property in June 2015.

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Sculpture means Diversity

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 14 febbraio 2011

Torino 15 febbraio alle 18,30 alla Galleria Glance di Via San Massimo 45 inaugura Sculpture means Diversity a cura di Patrizia Bottallo. Per la prima collettiva della galleria interamente dedicata alla scultura, sei eccellenti scultori provenienti da sei paesi differenti: Austria, Svizzera, Germania, Spagna, Danimarca e non potevano mancare gli Stati Uniti, focus e ormai caratteristica della ricerca della Glance. Una mappa di esperienze rappresentative delle diverse esperienze e dei diversi humus culturali da cui provengono gli artisti. Trentanove sculture contemporanee in grado di sorprendere e stupire, per una mostra che si propone di offrire un’idea dell’attuale status della scultura contemporanea, un campione del panorama del “fare scultura” oggi, in parte ancorato alla significativa eredità del vicino Novecento e in parte rivolto alla ricerca di una nuova dimensione creativa. La differenza e la diversità sono la giusta chiave di lettura per capire il criterio che ha portato a questa selezione di scultori. Alla base della loro ricerca si riconosce una tendenza a cogliere il senso profondo della realtà, riletta in chiave ironica (Chris Caccamise, USA – Daniel Eggli, Svizzera – Mikkel Niemann,  Danimarca), astratta (Eva Moosbrugger, Austria), architettonica (Matthäus Thoma, Germania) socio politica (Victor Lòpez Gonzàles, Spagna). (DanielEggli)

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Youth together in diversity

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 17 novembre 2010

Together in Diversity: Youth work in the context of cultural and religious diversity was the theme of the Joint Study Session which took place in Budapest, Hungary, the 7-13 November 2010. This Study Session was organized by the YMCA Europe and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), in cooperation with the Council of Europe’s European Youth Center, Budapest. The 30 participants came from 15 countries around Europe, representing diverse cultural and denominational backgrounds.  Among other issues, the Study Session addressed the question of the role of youth in the development of the ecumenical movement. Ways were explored to ensure youth representation in ecumenical bodies and improve youth contribution in them. Additionally, while raising awareness of cultural and religious diversity, participants discussed the richness as well as the threats that such diversity could pose, particularly within inter-faith rather than inter-Christian contexts. Ms Kyriaki Avtzi, Executive Secretary in European Mission, Churches in Dialogue Commission of CEC, commented that: “Youth representation in the Conference of European Churches is an important concern and it was very promising to bring together such a diverse group of young people and sense their eagerness for collective ecumenical endeavors. It was also encouraging that the discussions were held in an open and respectful spirit.”

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For international forest protection funds

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 26 ottobre 2010

Nagoya. Today, at the meeting of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) being held in Japan, Greenpeace Asia-Pacific released a report explaining why the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is in no fit state to receive international funds under a global deal to stop deforestation and mitigate climate change. Greenpeace also presented the Government of PNG with a ‘Golden Chainsaw’ award for demanding unconditional, fast-track money to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) from the international community, even though it continues to destroy rainforests.
Sam Moko, Greenpeace Asia-Pacific Forests Campaigner from PNG, who is in Nagoya to launch the report and announce the award, said:  “The Government of PNG is hungry for international forest protection funds but has no plans to stop destroying its rainforests or to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Under the current direction of this Government, PNG is not ready for REDD.” The new report, ‘PNG not ready for REDD’, recommends that PNG only receives funding when it has enforced a moratorium on all deforestation, tackling both corruption and illegal logging. It also urges donor countries to put strict preconditions on any REDD funds they give PNG, to ensure stringent safeguards are in place to protect biodiversity as well as indigenous peoples’.
At the last REDD+ Partnership meeting in Tianjin, China, PNG was criticised for trying to derail progress on the REDD deal for its own ends. With only weeks until the UN climate summit in Cancun, efforts to fast-track forest protection funds could come to nothing if PNG continues to use its position as co-chair of the negotiations to undermine efforts to ensure the funds are spent effectively.

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Christian Ministry in Cultural Diversity

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 6 Maggio 2010

The meeting looked at recent efforts of churches in countries as diverse as Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden to enhance co-operation and synergy between so-called “traditional” churches and “migrant-led” churches.  Through national and regional workshops and trainings in the six participating countries the MIRACLE project had initiated and invigorated processes of different churches striving “to be church together” in a response to migration. Presenters from the different countries described how the European process of cooperation had helped to advance national debates and learn from one another. Positive experiences echoed that “a lot of mutual recognition between traditional and migrant-led churches was achieved in recent years” and “our witness has become more inclusive”, while more sceptical voices highlighted that “expectations regarding results of this uniting in diversity are still too different to be reconciled”. Many participants underlined that the MIRACLE project had moved forward discussions by offering concrete methods and tools for churches to move towards more inclusive ministry. It was concluded that a more inclusive Christian ministry was “possible, but required new strategies, methods and training”.  The reflections from within the family of Christian churches were enriched by inputs from partners representing Muslim and Jewish organisations reflecting on their communities´ experience with integration issues. Representatives of secular initiatives such as the EU Integration Forum and the network of Cities for Local Integration Policies (CLIP) highlighted the increasing recognition of the contribution of churches and other faith communities to social cohesion in multiethnic societies.  Marja-Liisa Laihia, Migration officer of the Lutheran Church in Finland, commented: “For us the MIRACLE project helped to provide a clear focus: to work for the equality of Migrant Christians in our churches. Migrant Christians have the right to be equal part of our church; and through their contribution to our church they help to transform and renew our witness. The MIRACLE project has strengthened our conviction that measures and programmes to increase Migrant Christians´ participation and equality in our churches is not only an obligation, but an immense opportunity for the future of our church”. Results of the MIRACLE project will be published in a practical guide by June 2010.

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Expo Konstantin Batynkov

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 14 Maggio 2009

konstantinMoscow Museum of Modern Art 17 Ermolaevsky Lane – The other lifeuntil 19/6/2009 Moscow Museum of Modern Art hosts a solo exhibition by Kostantin Batynkov aiming to show the versatile art of this famous contemporary artist in all its diversity. The exhibition will feature works from 1989 – 2009 executed in various media. The viewers will have chance to see works from -The Other Life, -About War-, -Running on Waves-, -Woods-, -Horses-, -Moscow-, -Children-, and other series.
The art of Konstantin Batynkov is rather simple, comprehensible, and abundant, yet when he wants to, he can also make it very delicate and extremely diverse. Batynkov is a vehement and prolific artist, and his fantastic exuberance is motivated solely by his inner motives. He usually makes up to half a hundred works for a show. It is normal for him. The medium is unimportant; it can be graphics, photography, or painting. The choice of a medium is only a question of the surface, of the mechanism. The real intrigue is in something else. He does not face the dilemma between the subject and the medium. His artistic talent is realized in a far more essential category – he finds himself within the territory of art or outside it, he can be thrilled by form or totally indifferent to it, he can be totally consumed by his subject, or simply involved in the act of unmotivated creation.   The art of Batynkov is a project devoted to -the other life-. It inspires him and determines the choice of format. There are plenty of plots. This total project features a culture park which is always accessible, yet isolated by the elegantly forged iron fencing. One can swim in fountains, and climb -Buran- spaceship, can bunji jump on one’s suspenders like Tarzan, and still remain unknown. Batynkov does not like putting on a heroic mask. The heroic style of his works is mixed with staffage, the distance between -the sacred and the profane- is virtually non-existent, and -Chanel- and -Shinel-* (*overcoat) come to denote related phenomena. Alexander Petrovichev (image Konstantin)

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