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Posts Tagged ‘partner’

Kickbox Announces Release of New Partner Portal

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 1 giugno 2019

Kickbox, a world leader in email address verification trusted by top ESPs and brands since 2014, is announcing the launch of its new Kickbox Partner Portal. Designed with feedback from its long-standing partners, the portal is designed to give brands, agencies, and ESPs the ability to proactively provision and holistically manage Kickbox accounts for their teams and customers, eliminating any friction of traditional onboarding.
Marketing Democracy, a search consultancy focused on assisting enterprise brands with the ESP RFP and migration process, is among the list of inaugural users of the portal. Its president, Chris Marriott, spoke on the value of the portal for his organization:Once an account is onboarded, the platform provides organization-level email data insights by identifying deliverable, undeliverable, disposable and risky, and role-based email addresses across multiple accounts for clients or subsidiary companies while maintaining security of email address data.
Kickbox is a worldwide leader in email verification, whose team has been building email technology for more than a decade – from anti-spam to email encryption. By offering technology that promotes email best practices and improves deliverability in a scalable manner, Kickbox has become a trusted tool for over 10,000 businesses across an array of industries to improve email ROI and maximize marketing performance.
Marketing Democracy is a search consultancy with years of experience helping email marketers find the right ESP partner. It adds tremendous value to the process by providing unbiased expertise and customized scorecards, addressing each client’s unique needs and staying up-to-date with the evolving vendor landscape and industry demands. Past and current Clients are a who’s who of leading brands in the retail, publishing, insurance and travel & hospitality industries.

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Kadiant and STE Consultants Agree to Partner

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 26 Maggio 2019

Kadiant, a mission-driven organization that provides high-quality Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy and related services to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), announced today it has signed a definitive agreement to partner with STE Consultants, a pioneer provider of ABA services in both center and home-based settings. The partnership will mark the fourth addition to Kadiant this year, following its investments in Central Valley Autism Project (CVAP), Kids Overcoming (KOI), and Integrated Behavioral Solutions (IBS). The agreement with STE Consultants is subject to customary closing conditions. Terms of the partnerships are not being disclosed.
STE Consultants was founded in 2004 by Sarah Trautman-Eslinger. Since inception, STE Consultants has delivered ABA services in the home, school, and community as well as through telehealth programs to more than 2,000 families across Northern California, Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA. In addition to her work at STE Consultants, Trautman-Eslinger has spearheaded practice management and ABA-focused public policy campaigns across the country. Trautman-Eslinger also serves as the current President of the Board of Directors of the California Association for Behavior Analysis (CalABA) for the 2016-2019 term, is on the Board of the Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP), and has led regional, national, and international conference workshops and panels focused on practitioner issues and health insurance reform.
Trautman-Eslinger will continue as an advisor to Kadiant. The STE Consultants team will work closely with CVAP, KOI, and IBS to share best practices and integrate operations and services across the Kadiant organization.

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Assessing Business Partners’ Financial Health Got Easier

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 3 aprile 2019

When it comes to choosing business partners, financial viability is a critical factor. And SAP Ariba and RapidRatings just made it easier to assess. RapidRatings’ Financial Health System now integrates with SAP Ariba Supplier Risk to incorporate financial viability data into overall vendor risk profiles making it even easier to make smart, informed business decisions.Customers around the world rely on SAP Ariba Supplier Risk to make well-informed business decisions that help them to avoid unnecessary risk and prevent supply chain disruption. RapidRatings has joined the ever-expanding ecosystem of SAP Ariba partners leveraging open APIs to extend the value of SAP Ariba Supplier Risk with its financial health data and analysis. Now with integration to financial health scores from RapidRatings, customers can further round out their view of suppliers and incorporate financial viability information in vendor risk profiles to make timely and contextual business decisions and improve collaboration with trading partners.RapidRatings’ Financial Health System conducts sophisticated analysis of financial health – analysis most category managers have neither the time nor the expertise to conduct – enabling more informed business decision making. The foundation of the analysis is a single numerical financial health rating of 0-100 called FHR®. RapidRatings creates the FHR by measuring every company against its global industry peers, whether publicly traded or privately held. Its process is to source and integrate the financial statements of third-party companies, suppliers, vendors, customers and securities issuers to ensure accuracy and scalability.

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PE: la Russia non può più essere considerata un “partner strategico”

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 16 marzo 2019

L’UE dovrebbe prepararsi ad adottare ulteriori sanzioni contro la Russia. La Russia deve ripristinare l’integrità territoriale dell’Ucraina. Affrontare le sfide globali comuni solo attraverso una cooperazione selettiva Il Parlamento ha adottato definitivamente un sistema UE di certificazione per la sicurezza informatica, e espresso la forte preoccupazione per gli interessi cinesi nella tecnologia dell’UE.La risoluzione del Parlamento per valutare lo stato delle relazioni politiche UE-Russia è stata approvata con 402 voti favorevoli, 163 contrari e 89 astensioniI deputati hanno rilevato che, dal 2015, sono emerse nuovi tensioni tra L’UE e la Russia, tra cui l’intervento russo in Siria e l’ingerenza in Paesi come la Libia e la Repubblica Centrafricana. Hanno inoltre sottolineato il sostegno del Cremlino ai partiti anti-europeisti e ai movimenti di estrema destra, ad esempio in Ungheria, e come il Paese continui a interferire nelle elezioni politiche e a violare i diritti umani su proprio territorio.Il Parlamento ribadisce che l’UE dovrebbe essere pronta ad adottare ulteriori sanzioni contro la Russia, in particolare contro individui. Le sanzioni dovrebbero essere proporzionate alle minacce poste dalla Russia. Nel dicembre scorso, il Consiglio ha prorogato le sanzioni economiche fino al 31 luglio 2019.L’UE dovrebbe rivedere il suo attuale accordo di partenariato e cooperazione (APC) con la Russia e limitare la cooperazione ai settori di interesse comune come il cambiamento climatico, la sicurezza energetica, la digitalizzazione, l’intelligenza artificiale e la lotta al terrorismo richiedono un impegno selettivo. Nella risoluzione si afferma che una più stretta collaborazione sarà possibile solo se la Russia attuerà pienamente i cosiddetti accordi di Minsk per porre fine alla guerra nell’Ucraina orientale e inizierà a rispettare il diritto internazionale.

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La Regione cerca partner per progettare corsi di formazione civico-linguistica

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 7 agosto 2018

La Regione Piemonte ha aperto le selezioni per individuare un partner per la co-progettazione e, in caso di approvazione ministeriale, la realizzazione del Piano Petrarca 6, per la costruzione di percorsi di formazione civico linguistica rivolti a cittadini di Paesi Terzi che vivono regolarmente sul territorio regionale.Possono partecipare all’avviso regionale gli enti privati indicati nell’avviso ministeriale.
I candidati selezionati dovranno lavorare insieme agli uffici regionali per presentare il progetto al Ministero entro il 3 settembre 2018. In caso di approvazione saranno chiamati alla realizzazione dei servizi complementari (babysitting, mediazione interculturale, tutoraggio). A fronte di particolari necessità organizzative, logistiche o territoriali, d’intesa con l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, potranno essere chiamati a svolgere delle azioni formative. A tal fine i candidati dovranno dimostrare di essere qualificati nella didattica dell’italiano L2, di operare in collaborazione coi Cpia, di avvalersi di docenti in possesso dei titoli richiesti per l’insegnamento.L’importo per la realizzazione complessiva del Piano regionale è di circa 2,5 milioni di euro. Le attività progettuali prenderanno avvio dalla comunicazione da parte del Ministero dell’Interno e si concluderanno il 31/12/2021. Per partecipare al bando si può presentare domanda, redatta secondo le modalità indicate nel bando. Questa dovrà essere inviata esclusivamente via Pec al seguente indirizzo: entro le ore 12 del 21/08/2018. Nell’oggetto dovrà essere indicata la scritta: Avviso Fami – “Petrarca 6”“Il periodo non è dei più felici, ma siamo costretti dai tempi progettuali del bando a cui dobbiamo rispondere”, spiega l’assessora regionale all’Immigrazione, Monica Cerutti.

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Research Affiliates’ Partner Mike Aked Relocates to Australia to Support and Grow Firm’s Local Presence

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 4 agosto 2018

Research Affiliates, LLC, announces today that Mike Aked, CFA, Partner and Director of Research for Australia, has relocated to Melbourne, where he will support the firm’s network of Australian partners and identify new growth opportunities. He will also be involved with strategic initiatives and research around asset allocation for the firm as well as other research initiatives in support of the Australian market.
Founded in 2002 by Rob Arnott and based in Newport Beach, California, Research Affiliates is a global leader in asset allocation, smart beta, and active equity strategies. Through various Australian distribution partners and direct clients, Research Affiliates’ strategies such as the RAFI™ Fundamental Index™ have been available in Australia for 10 years. Of the A$265 billion* in assets managed globally using RA investment strategies, over A$20 billion is in Australia, making it a significant and important region for the firm.
With Mr. Aked based locally, Research Affiliates hopes to create greater impact via our research insights and tools for Australian investors. This move will also facilitate more frequent in-person dialogue among Research Affiliates and asset owners, local consultants, and distribution partners. “Mike has been an invaluable contributor to Research Affiliates’ growth and success,” explains Katy Sherrerd, President and CEO of Research Affiliates. “He brings with him a deep understanding of markets—particularly on the implementation side—as well as our investment beliefs, research processes, core values, and company culture. Further, his experience working at both superannuation funds and global asset managers makes Mike an excellent representative of Research Affiliates as we strive to deepen our involvement with the Australian investment community.” “Surveying the Australian investment landscape, it is truly a very exciting time to be in my home country. Opportunities to make a meaningful impact abound. I look forward to helping increase our presence and to making sure our research and insights are relevant and impactful to Australian investors,” said Mr. Aked. Mike Aked received a BA with honors in applied mathematics from the University of Sydney, an MS in statistics from the University of Virginia, and an MS in financial mathematics from the University of Chicago. Previously, Mike held positions at Sunsuper, University of Virginia Investment Management Company, and UBS Global Asset Management across four continents. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of both the CFA Society Melbourne and Q-Group Australia.

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Foresters Financial and KaBOOM! Partner to Increase Play Opportunities for Chicago Kids

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 2 luglio 2018

The Chicago community was revitalized today thanks to a new playground built at Nixon Elementary School. In just six hours, more than 200 volunteers from Foresters Financial™, Nixon Elementary School, Hermosa Neighborhood Association, Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI) and the national non-profit KaBOOM! created the new playspace, which will serve more than 900 children and their families in the local community for years to come.”For over 140 years Foresters Financial has focused on our Purpose, which is to help families and strengthen communities,” said Jim Boyle, President and CEO, Foresters Financial. “In 2018 we are excited to complete our 150th playground build with KaBOOM!. This partnership creates safe play areas where families can spend quality time together while developing young bodies and minds. We know the Chicago community will use this playground for many years to come.”The design for the new playground is based on drawings created by neighborhood children at a special Design Day event held in March when community members met with organizers from KaBOOM! and Foresters Financial to design their dream playground. The drawings inspired the final playground design.Since 2006, Foresters Financial and KaBOOM! have built 147 beautiful playspaces across 86 cities in 31 states and provinces throughout North America and by the end of 2018, Foresters Financial will have funded more than 150 playgrounds. Thanks to the hard work of over 9,900 Foresters members, sales partners and guests for the last eleven years, we are positively impacting the lives of more than 5 million children by providing them with access to play. Through each new playground, families are better able to spend quality time together right in their own neighborhoods, playing alongside Foresters members and community partners.Play is the business of childhood and is essential to the physical, cognitive, creative, social and emotional development of every kid. It’s how kids build strong muscles and healthy bodies; it’s how they learn problem-solving, conflict resolution and creativity; it’s how they make friends and build strong bonds with adults. Play is critical to a kid’s ability to thrive.Foresters Financial is a KaBOOM! Founding Partner and National Partner. Since 1996, KaBOOM! has been dedicated to ensuring that all kids get the balance and active play they need to thrive.

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ON Partners Names Heidi Hoffman Partner

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 30 giugno 2018

ON Partners, the results-driven retained executive search firm, today announced it has appointed longtime supply-chain search executive Heidi Hoffman as partner. In this role, Hoffman will lead the firm’s growing supply chain practice from the firm’s expanding Atlanta office.
Considered a pioneer in the recruitment of senior supply chain executives, Hoffman specializes in the recruitment and development of senior executives in strategic sourcing, procurement, manufacturing, operations, logistics, distribution, customer service, planning, quality, engineering and operational excellence for industrial, consumer, retail, life sciences and technology companies globally.“We are extremely fortunate to have someone with Heidi’s level of expertise and industry knowledge joining the ON team,” noted ON Partners co-founder and managing partner Tim Conti. “Her fantastic track record in the executive search space and specifically in placing supply-chain executives is a real asset to the firm and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her join us.”Hoffman’s management and consulting experience spans more than twenty years. Prior to joining ON Partners, she served as a senior client partner at Korn Ferry, where she led the firm’s Global Supply Chain Center of Expertise in North America. Previously, she was with Russell Reynolds, where she founded and led the firm’s global supply chain practice and headed the North American industrial sector. Earlier, Hoffman was a member of the operations group of Booz & Co., where she consulted on supply chain, process redesign, productivity improvement and change management initiatives for a wide range of manufacturing and services companies.Hoffman is a member of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals and the Institute for Supply Management, and she also serves on the leadership council of Franklin and Marshall College. She earned a master’s degree in business administration with a focus in finance and business policy from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and also holds a bachelor’s degree in economics (cum laude) from Franklin and Marshall College.

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Frazier Growth Buyout Adds Jim Brady as Operating Partner

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 26 giugno 2018

Frazier Healthcare Partners today announced that Jim Brady has been named an Operating Partner on the firm’s Growth Buyout team.Mr. Brady brings almost 30 years of experience in healthcare as both an Operating Partner in private equity as well as an executive operator in software and technology. Most recently Mr. Brady was Healthcare Operating Partner at Marlin Equity Partners where he helped create and build a highly successful portfolio including over 20 acquisitions across multiple sectors within healthcare.“We are thrilled that Jim has chosen to join Frazier as the firm looks to build its presence in healthcare IT. His tenured background in the healthcare information technology industry, as well as his proven leadership experience, will greatly enhance our investing efforts in the sector,” said Frazier General Partner Ben Magnano.

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Partner Communications Announces Filing of a Shelf Prospectus in Israel

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 17 giugno 2018

Partner Communications Company Ltd. (“Partner” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ and TASE: PTNR), a leading Israeli communications operator, announced that it has published a shelf prospectus after having received the Israeli Securities Authority and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange approvals. The shelf prospectus allows the Company the flexibility to offer from time to time until June 2020 (or if extended by the ISA, subject to certain conditions, until June 2021) debentures, ordinary shares and other securities of the Company in Israel. Any offering of these securities in the future will be made pursuant to a supplemental shelf offering report which will describe the terms of the securities being offered and the specific details of the offering. This press release is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. Any offering of securities pursuant to the shelf prospectus and any supplemental shelf offering report will be made only in Israel to residents of Israel, will not be registered under the Securities Act and will not be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act), except pursuant to an applicable exemption from registration under the Securities Act.

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La Commissione propone nuove norme per l’OLAF quale importante partner della Procura europea

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 26 Maggio 2018

La Commissione europea ha proposto oggi di modificare il regolamento (UE, Euratom) n. 883/2013 relativo alle indagini svolte dall’Ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode (OLAF). La modifica intende garantire che l’OLAF disponga dei mezzi necessari per operare in stretta collaborazione con la Procura europea al fine di individuare le frodi perpetrate in tutta l’Unione europea e di svolgere indagini al riguardo. Le modifiche proposte chiariranno inoltre gli strumenti di cui l’OLAF dispone per svolgere indagini amministrative al fine di garantirne l’efficacia. Ciò riguarda in particolare i controlli e le verifiche, l’accesso alle informazioni sui conti bancari e gli strumenti per combattere le frodi nel settore dell’IVA.
La Procura europea avrà il potere di svolgere indagini e di perseguire i reati a danno del bilancio dell’UE, quali la corruzione o le frodi perpetrate con fondi dell’UE, oppure le frodi transfrontaliere nel settore dell’IVA. La proposta odierna di modificare il regolamento n. 883/2013 vuole garantire che l’OLAF diventi un partner prossimo e affidabile della Procura europea e che continui a svolgere indagini amministrative per integrare l’operato di quest’ultima. L’OLAF continuerà così a svolgere un ruolo essenziale nella tutela degli interessi finanziari dell’Unione. La Procura europea e l’OLAF lavoreranno in stretta collaborazione per garantire, attraverso i loro mandati distinti ma complementari, che tutti i mezzi disponibili siano utilizzati per contrastare la frode e proteggere il denaro dei contribuenti.Negli Stati membri che partecipano alla Procura europea, le indagini dell’OLAF saranno tese in primo luogo ad agevolare il recupero amministrativo e a evitare un ulteriore pregiudizio alle finanze dell’UE attraverso misure amministrative. Verrà integrata in tal modo l’impostazione della Procura fondata sul diritto penale, se del caso in stretta consultazione con la Procura stessa. Quando scoprirà eventuali reati, l’OLAF li comunicherà senza indugio alla Procura europea e ne sosterrà le indagini su sua richiesta.
A tal fine, la proposta introduce nel quadro giuridico dell’OLAF le disposizioni necessarie per disciplinare lo scambio di informazioni con la Procura europea, offrire sostegno alle indagini di quest’ultima, garantire la complementarità delle azioni ed evitare la sovrapposizione delle attività d’indagine. La modifica prevede inoltre alcuni chiarimenti, limitati ma importanti, che rafforzeranno l’efficacia delle indagini amministrative dell’OLAF, sulla base della recente valutazione effettuata dalla Commissione. Viene posto l’accento su settori concreti nei quali, attualmente, la mancanza di chiarezza del regolamento in vigore crea ostacoli all’efficacia delle indagini dell’Ufficio.
La proposta odierna rappresenta un’altra tappa dell’impegno della Commissione a rafforzare la tutela degli interessi finanziari dell’Unione, dopo l’adozione di due importanti atti legislativi nel 2017: il regolamento relativo all’attuazione di una cooperazione rafforzata sull’istituzione della Procura europea (EPPO) e la direttiva relativa alla lotta contro la frode che lede gli interessi finanziari dell’Unione mediante il diritto penale.

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Alteryx Expands Reach by Acquiring Partner in Australia

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 27 febbraio 2018

Sydney Alteryx, Inc. (NYSE: AYX), revolutionizing business through data science and analytics, completes the acquisition of master distributor, Alteryx ANZ in Sydney, Australia. Alteryx continues to expand the footprint of its end-to-end data science and analytics platform and enterprises around the globe are requiring more local sales and marketing presence, in-market platform support and thought leadership in the region. This acquisition will allow Alteryx to build on the success of the more than 100 current Alteryx customers in the region including companies like Amaysim, Commonwealth Bank, NBN, Australia Post and Telstra. Alteryx intends to expand the team with additional sales, channel, support and technical resources to address the growing market. According to IDC, more than 40% of organizations in Australia and New Zealand have already invested in big data and analytics deployments and will increase their investments in 20181.
“There is no doubt that data is reshaping businesses all over the world, and Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) are no exception,” said Steve Walden, SVP of Business Development. “With the spotlight on data science and analytics ROI, this acquisition allows us to better meet the needs of current Alteryx customers who are leveraging data and analytics to improve business outcomes. Being in the market also provides the opportunity to expand our customer and partner ecosystem more efficiently.” Alteryx ANZ has acted as the exclusive master distributor in Australia and New Zealand since 2015, helping to establish Alteryx as a leader in the self-service data science and analytics market while helping organizations develop a data and analytics culture necessary for success in digital transformation. “We’re already helping customers in the region break down data barriers and get to business-changing insights faster than ever before,” said JJ Phillips, Regional Country Manager at Alteryx. “In our efforts to turn analytics up to eleven across ANZ, we intend to continue to work closely with our amazing partners—including MIP, RXP Services Limited, Tridant, Billigence, Acquum Consulting, FIRN Analytics, Webranz—while strengthening our local sales, support and market presence.””Alteryx will be participating in the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2018 in Sydney, Australia this week. Visit our booth #S18 to learn more about how we are revolutionizing business through data science and analytics in Australia and New Zealand.

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IoT ed Edge Computing creano opportunità per i partner di canale

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 22 febbraio 2018

Le Le opportunità date dall’edge computing e dall’ Internet of Things (IoT) per i partner di canale stanno per raggiungere il loro massimo picco grazie alla crescita esponenziale di queste tecnologie. Secondo proiezioni di IDC, la spesa per l’IoT raggiungerà 1,3 trilioni di dollari entro il 2020, e il 43% dei dati dell’Internet of Things sarà processato a livello di edge, alla periferia della rete. Il report dell’analista prevede inoltre che il numero di “cose connesse” raggiungerà i 30 miliardi nel 2020 per salire a 80 miliardi nei successivi 25 anni. Un trend che pone le basi per notevoli opportunità di crescita per il canale.I Channel Partner, in particolare gli integratori di rete, i Managed Service Provider (MSP) e i provider con esperienza in SaaS (Software as a Service) e servizi hosted, si trovano nella posizione ideale per cogliere le opportunità create da queste tecnologie. Infatti, per mantenere i sistemi funzionanti in modo ottimale per i processi decisionali in tempo reale, sia l’IoT che l’edge computing richiedono monitoraggio remoto, implementazione standardizzata e sicurezza fisica – tutti aspetti su cui i nostri partner hanno una vasta e solida esperienza.
L’obiettivo dell’IoT è quello di mettere in comunicazione tra loro tutti i dispositivi o macchinari che possono essere collegati tramite Internet, o tramite comunicazioni private a banda larga, per generare un flusso continuo di informazioni che aiuti le organizzazioni a perfezionare il loro funzionamento e a produrre risultati migliori. Per processare i dati che fluiscono da questi dispositivi sarà necessaria una larghezza di banda e di memorizzazione molto più ampia della capacità attuale.Oltre alla raccolta dei dati, le aziende avranno sempre più bisogno di supporto per accedere e utilizzare tali dati in modo efficiente per prendere decisioni aziendali e avere maggior controllo sui costi. A causa del volume dei dati e della quantità di connessioni di rete necessarie per la loro trasmissione, sarà necessario disporre di un’infrastruttura distribuita o on premise e di adeguate piattaforme di gestione del sistema. L’utilizzo in cloud di questi sistemi ad alta intensità di dati può essere problematico. Se i dati devono viaggiare centinaia o migliaia di miglia fino a un cloud centralizzato, la latenza che si verifica potrebbe influire sulla rapidità con cui viene eseguita l’azione richiesta.L’edge computing soddisfa queste esigenze creando una rete di micro data center che elaborano i dati appena fuori – o all’edge – del punto in cui i dati vengono generati. Ciò elimina i problemi di latenza, aumenta l’affidabilità e consente di prendere decisioni in tempo reale. Il local edge computing fornisce delle stazioni tra infrastrutture cloud, reti aziendali e data center per mantenere le cose in movimento come dovrebbero.

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nuPSYS Joins Coriant’s Multi-Sided Platform Partner Program

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 8 febbraio 2018

nuPSYS Data CenternuPSYS, an innovation leader in Data Center and IoT solutions (, announced today that it has joined Coriant, a global supplier of open, disruptive, and hyperscale networking solutions for service providers and web-scale Internet operators, as a partner of its Multi-Sided Platform Partner Program. nuPSYS provides unique and patented data center solutions (nuVIZ™) featuring simultaneous and correlated 3D-Network-IoT triple views (physical-logical-cameras/sensors), supporting full life-cycle from design to monitoring. nuVIZ™ enables Virtual-Presence™ and significant automation resulting in substantial efficiency enhancement, and cost savings for data center design and operations, for Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), mobile and wired networks, and IoT.Combining disruptive innovation with comprehensive, lifecycle service management capabilities, the Platform helps network operators accelerate the introduction of differentiated end-user services and applications, including: 5G, IoT, cloud, and industrial internet. The Coriant partner ecosystem enables companies across the globe to quickly and efficiently realize the benefits of best-in-class innovations across diverse segments and technologies, including managed cloud-based IoT service enablement; ‘deploy anywhere’ distributed compute capabilities; simplified deployment and management of MEC and IoT assets; cloud-based Spectrum Access System (SAS); and optimization of mobile and video service delivery. “nuPSYS is excited to join the Coriant Multi-Sided Platform Partner Program,” stated nuPSYS’ CEO, Reza Ahy. “This will enable us to better support service providers and data centers as they enhance existing and deploy new and distributed data centers, providing them a single-dashboard for design to operations and monitoring. Contextual awareness and Virtual-Presence™ (3D-immersion), real-time discovery, and scaling from remote un-manned micro to large data centers, result in significant cost and time-to-market savings.” “Our collaboration with nuPSYS enhances the value proposition Coriant can offer its global enterprise and service provider customers with disruptive innovation optimized for new service creation,” said Homayoun Razavi, Chief Customer Officer and Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Digital Marketing, Coriant. “Having a premier data center solution partner such as nuPSYS available to Coriant customers provides significant improvements and cost-savings for their data center modeling, design, planning, verification, inventory, operations, maintenance and optimization for MEC, 4G/5G and IoT to ensure a successful digital transformation.”The Coriant multi-sided partner ecosystem consists of industry-leading system integrator partners providing a new generation of end-user services that drive innovation. Additionally, nuPSYS will participate in Coriant’s Multi-Sided Solutions Showcase at MWC in Barcelona February 26-March 1, 2018. (photo: nuPSYS Data Center)

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AIM Group International certificata MedTech Ethical Trusted Partner

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 30 gennaio 2018

Rosangela QuietiEurope, l’associazione europea che rappresenta l’industria della tecnologia medicale, ha certificato AIM Group International – società leader nell’organizzazione di congressi, meeting ed eventi – come Ethical MedTech Trusted Partner. In seguito al completamento di un impegnativo processo di accreditamento in tre fasi, la Ethical Charter ha fornito ad AIM Group il logo di Trusted Partner valido per due anni rinnovabili. La Ethical Charter è una certificazione volontaria dedicata agli organizzatori di eventi educazionali per terze parti, che testimonia l’impegno dei PCO nel rispettare gli standard etici e le nuove regole incluse nel MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice. La certificazione intende anche facilitare il supporto alla formazione medica indipendente da parte dell’industria in favore di quelle organizzazioni che sono certificate e che si impegnano a rispettare il Codice quando organizzano gli eventi. «Siamo davvero orgogliosi della certificazione ricevuta – sottolinea Rosangela Quieti, managing director AIM Italy Congress Division -. L’educazione in medicina è una materia delicata dove vige un complesso sistema di regole e standard etici che devono essere gestiti con grande attenzione e messi in pratica con un alto livello di conformità e una conoscenza dettagliata della loro applicazione. In qualità di PCO con un impegno di lungo termine verso gli standard etici e con una profonda esperienza nel campo della formazione, AIM Group ha perseguito la certificazione volontaria MedTech come naturale compimento. Come Trusted Partner, continueremo a operare con ancor maggiore determinazione verso l’eccellenza e la compliance». (foto: Rosangela Quieti)

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Intermountain Healthcare to Partner with Press Ganey to Innovate Patient Care

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 14 dicembre 2017

Press Ganey announced today that it has entered into a multi-year strategic relationship with Intermountain Healthcare, a recognized leader in clinical quality improvement and efficient health care delivery. Through its integrated platform, Press Ganey will provide Intermountain with a suite of solutions including high reliability practices to drive safety outcomes, measurement and advisory services to achieve patient-centered care, consumerism solutions that support online physician ratings and brand management and workforce engagement. Intermountain will utilize Press Ganey’s new reporting and analytics platform which presents enterprise insights and prioritized improvement opportunities.
“At Intermountain, we believe that the fundamentals required to deliver extraordinary care include safety, quality, experience of caring, and access supported by engaged, resilient caregivers,” said Shannon Phillips, MD, MPH, Chief Patient Experience Officer of Intermountain Healthcare. “Press Ganey is uniquely equipped to support our efforts to measure, analyze, evaluate and enhance our performance across all of these domains helping us fulfill our mission to help people live the healthiest lives possible.”Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based not-for-profit system comprised of 22 hospitals, a Medical Group with more than 1,600 physicians and advanced practice clinicians at approximately 180 clinics, a health plans division called SelectHealth, and other health services.“Intermountain Healthcare has long been recognized as a model for health care organizations around the country,” said Patrick T. Ryan, CEO of Press Ganey. “With a relentless focus on patient-centered care, Intermountain is transforming health care by developing pioneering strategies to deliver better health and high quality care as efficiently as possible. We are proud to partner with Intermountain to support their mission and their unwavering commitment to excellence.”

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Nuovo partner strategico finanziario

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 13 dicembre 2017

ZurigoZurigo. L’operatore svizzero delle energie rinnovabili Swisspower Renewables AG stringe un accordo con UCEIS II, che si unisce al gruppo in qualità di nuovo partner strategico finanziario. Il nuovo azionista entra nella holding di Zurigo con un investimento di circa 90 milioni di euro, acquisendone il 34% delle quote e diventando di diritto membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Swisspower.
Alla holding già composta da 11 municipalità, si unisce così un nuovo socio che con solidità e competenza affiancherà l’Azienda nell’ambizioso progetto di crescita in Italia e in Germania.
Nata sei anni fa come cooperativa di aziende partecipate, Swisspower Renewables AG si è da tempo specializzata in investimenti sull’energia idroelettrica ed eolica dapprima in Germania, e da due anni, anche in Italia. L’importante operazione rafforza ulteriormente la posizione di Swisspower all’interno del mercato delle energie rinnovabili nel nostro Paese.
L’impegno dell’Azienda sul territorio italiano consiste nel lavoro sinergico con le istituzioni locali per il completamento delle costruzioni o, in alcuni casi, nell’implementazione e nella messa a regime degli impianti esistenti, migliorandone così l’efficienza e la produttività.
Dopo aver rilevato 10 centrali in Italia nel 2015, lo scorso anno l’azienda si è distinta nuovamente per la maxi acquisizione di 27 impianti – tra centrali idroelettriche, parchi eolici e impianti foto voltaici – che ha coinvolto diverse regioni tra cui Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Campania, Basilicata, Puglia e Calabria. La capacità produttiva degli impianti fino ad ora acquistati dall’azienda in Germania e in Italia si traduce complessivamente nella produzione di 640GWh all’anno.
“Anche grazie a questa nuova iniezione di capitale Swisspower Renewables AG si conferma uno dei importanti player in Europa nel campo delle energie rinnovabili – dichiara Felix Meier CEO di Swisspower Renewables AG -. Da tempo abbiamo concentrato i nostri sforzi prettamente negli investimenti a lungo termine su Germania e Italia, paesi ricchi di risorse pulite dove possiamo acquistare impianti per generare l’energia necessaria anche da importare in Svizzera, dopo una fine del nucleare”.

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Arnaldo De Lisio Joins Catalyst Advisors as Partner, Expanding the Firm’s European Presence

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 11 ottobre 2017

london-centralLondon. Catalyst Advisors, L.P., a global executive recruitment firm focusing on board, C-level and other senior engagements for high-growth life sciences companies, today announced that Arnaldo De Lisio has joined as a Partner. He will be based in London along with Simon Bartholomew, who opened that office in 2014.
“Arnaldo is a respected counselor to the boards and CEOs of European life sciences enterprises, and we are very pleased to have him as part of Catalyst Advisors,” said John Archer, who founded the firm in 2008. “Having firmly established our position in the North American market, we are now making a concerted effort to expand our global footprint. Adding Arnaldo’s market knowledge, networks and experience is the first step in that strategy.” Mr. De Lisio joins Catalyst Advisors from Coulter Partners, where he was a Managing Partner. During his 12 years there, he conducted board, CEO and other C-level recruitment engagements for biopharma, traditional pharma, med tech and venture capital firms in both Europe and North America. He has deep experience working with clients in highly innovative areas of medicine, including immuno-oncology, oncology and rare diseases. As a Managing Partner, he was part of the executive team that developed the firm’s strategy and led its growth.“Boards and investors know that top-tier leadership teams are essential in today’s complex and fast-moving life sciences market,” Mr. De Lisio said. “Catalyst Advisors has become a go-to resource for leadership at a time when the competition for talent is relentless, and I’m excited to be a part of the team.”Prior to joining Coulter Partners in 2005, Mr. De Lisio was a start-up entrepreneur in Italy and a management consultant at Simon-Kucher & Partners in Germany, where he advised biopharma and pharmaceutical companies on pricing and reimbursement strategies. Mr. De Lisio holds a Global Executive M.B.A. from the Hult International Business School and Bachelor and Master degrees in Business Administration from the University of Molise in Italy. He is fluent in English, Italian and German.

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Synergy Global Partner Program

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 7 ottobre 2017

Digital Guardian announced enhancements to its Synergy Global Partner Program. Synergy is designed for security solution providers that resell Digital Guardian products or managed services, and deliver a range of professional services. The enhancements will offer enriched programs and support to help partners promote and grow their data protection businesses.Data protection has become one of the fastest growing segments in IT Security, fueled by the increasing number of high-profile data breaches, as well as new regulations requiring companies to protect personally identifiable information (PII) data more stringently, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To keep pace with the increase in demand for data protection solutions, Digital Guardian has strengthened its commitment to channel partners.Digital Guardian introduced the Synergy Partner Program in 2015 and established a strong reputation as a channel-led vendor partner. In 2017, Digital Guardian is making a further commitment and investment in its channel program to help partners capitalise on the market opportunity and accelerate new business. In February 2017, Digital Guardian appointed Marcus Brown as Vice President, Global Channels, making the channel part of the Digital Guardian executive leadership team. Marcus’ charter is to take Digital Guardian’s channel business to the next level, giving partners a new set of programs and incentives automated through a state-of-the-art partner portal, and expanding the partner footprint globally.The new Synergy Partner Program is a world-class partner program which includes the following new elements:
Detailed Synergy Partner Program Guide with benefits and requirements as well as separate MDF and Deal Registration Guides.Consistency and transparency in engagements through clearly defined, written Rules of Engagement. Improved messaging and partner enablement assisting partners to create new opportunities quickly. Sales, Pre-Sales and delivery enablement components will be available online as well as face-to-face. State-of-the-art deal registration system with improved opportunity tracking and collaboration.
Industry leading MDF program with real time on-line requests and tracking. All aspects of the Synergy Partner Program will be delivered through a fully automated state-of-the-art Partner Portal available at

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Nuovi Partner e promozioni per DLA PIPER

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 4 Maggio 2017

LaMalfa_SurdiLo Studio legale DLA Piper è orgoglioso di annunciare la nomina di 46 professionisti al ruolo di partner scelti in 12 diverse giurisdizioni nel mondo. In Italia sono stati promossi Vincenzo La Malfa (sede di Roma) e Danilo Surdi (sede di Milano).Vincenzo La Malfa, in DLA Piper dal 2009, fa parte del team Public Finance all’interno del dipartimento Finance & Projects. Ha maturato una consolidata esperienza nella gestione di tutte le tematiche inerenti alla Finanza Pubblica con particolare riguardo al ricorso al mercato dei capitali, all’emissione di bond e note strutturate, e alla negoziazione e documentazione di strumenti finanziari derivati e relative garanzie. Assiste banche e intermediari finanziari nella emissione e ristrutturazione di prodotti finanziari complessi conclusi con enti pubblici, pubbliche amministrazioni o società commerciali. Ha assistito in giudizio banche ed intermediari finanziari in svariate controversie in relazione alla vendita di strumenti derivati e prodotti strutturati.Danilo Surdi, del dipartimento Corporate, in DLA Piper dal 2007, presta regolarmente assistenza a società italiane e multinazionali e a fondi di private equity in relazioni ad operazioni di M&A e di corporate finance nazionali e multigiurisdizionali, incluse acquisizioni, disinvestimenti, fusioni, scissioni, riorganizzazioni e altre operazioni straordinarie. L’avvocato Surdi ha maturato anche una significativa esperienza nel settore delle acquisizioni di società in stato di insolvenza o coinvolte in procedure fallimentari.Per effetto di queste nomine, sale a 48 il numero dei partner dello Studio in Italia.Sono inoltre stati nominati quattro Legal Director: Claudio D’Alia e Marcella Rendo (dipartimento Finance & Projects); Mauro Carretta e Andrea Scafidi (dipartimento
Litigation & Regulatory).«Nomine e promozioni seguono un processo di selezione particolarmente rigoroso, che fa emergere professionisti di eccellenza, già riconosciuti come protagonisti dal mercato nel quale operano», commenta Wolf Michael Kühne, Managing Partner di DLA Piper in Italia insieme a Bruno Giuffré, che aggiunge: «Ci congratuliamo con i colleghi appena promossi e li ringraziamo per aver contribuito in maniera significativa alla crescita dello Studio in Italia». (foto: LaMalfa_Surdi)

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