Fidest – Agenzia giornalistica/press agency

Quotidiano di informazione – Anno 36 n° 147

Posts Tagged ‘marine’

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) launches its fully unified marine data service

Posted by fidest press agency su lunedì, 6 febbraio 2023

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet), supported by the European Commission, launched its fully unified marine data service, integrating all the data into one single portal. Rapid access to reliable and accurate data and information is vital in addressing threats to the marine environment, in the development of policies and legislation to protect vulnerable areas of our coasts and oceans, in understanding trends and in forecasting future changes. For over a decade, more than 120 organisations involved in EMODnet have been working together to aggregate observations and marine data from various sources, process them according to international standards and make them freely available. It will allow researchers, marine managers, policy-makers and many more to retrieve hundreds of data and data products from one place, with a searchable unified catalogue. This new portal will benefit all marine data users, including policy makers, researchers, scientists, private industry and anyone interested.For decades, marine data collection has been very fragmented, to the detriment of efficiency, accessibility and shared ocean knowledge. Until the birth of the European Marine Observation and Data Network, EMODnet in short.As of today, all the available marine data and EMODnet thematic services are centralised into one single portal. This thematic unification not only simplifies the access to the available data sets but also enhances the user experience. Central to the upgrade and major improvement is the release of the common map viewer. It offers the users easier access to discover, visualise and download marine data across seven thematics (bathymetry, biology, chemistry, geology, human activities, physics, seabed habitats) from one place, powered by a searchable unified catalogue.The new portal offers services more suited to today’s needs. It better supports next generation ocean data and information management, as well as new technologies and approaches (for example the use of data to power Artificial Intelligence applications).

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Less overfishing, but further efforts to protect marine resources needed

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 5 giugno 2022

The Commission published its Communication “Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2023” giving an annual review of EU’s fisheries management and outlining priorities ahead for 2023. The figures, as assessed by independent scientific agencies, show that conservation efforts are further bearing fruit and the EU fisheries policy has been delivering in reducing overfishing in European waters. At the same time, further efforts are still needed to protect marine resources, both through maintaining high levels of ambition within the EU and by striving to achieve the same high standard in the work with non-EU countries, like Norway, UK and the Coastal States. The stocks in northeast Atlantic areas are, on average, within levels that deliver the highest sustainable yields into the future (called ‘maximum sustainable yield’, or MSY). For the Mediterranean, the situation has further improved but there is still a long way to go. In the Baltic Sea, due to eutrophication, low oxygen levels in the water are hindering the normal growth and reproduction of fish and protective measures have been put in place.

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Ripopolamento foreste marine italiane

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 28 Maggio 2022

Ha preso avvio a maggio a Capri una nuova iniziativa del team di algologi dell’Università di Trieste – CoNISMa (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare) che si occupa di ripristino ambientale dei fondali marini e che ha coordinato il progetto europeo ROC-POPLife* che ha portato al ripopolamento delle foreste marine nelle aree protette delle Cinque Terre e di Miramare. Le foreste marine, al pari di quelle terrestri, rappresentano uno degli habitat più produttivi e importanti che stanno rapidamente scomparendo in tutto il Mediterraneo. Le cause della loro scomparsa sono molteplici – spesso legate agli impatti antropici a cui si aggiungono i cambiamenti climatici – e la perdita di queste foreste inevitabilmente comporta una perdita critica dei servizi ecosistemici associati come la pesca e la mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il metodo sviluppato dall’Università di Trieste è applicato ormai in diverse aree del Mediterraneo e riconosciuto dalla Comunità Europea come buona pratica di riferimento per il restauro marino.Nei prossimi mesi il gruppo di ricerca dell’Università di Trieste sarà impegnato in attività scientifiche di studio e riforestazione dei fondali marini capresi. L’obiettivo è ripristinare la biodiversità dei Faraglioni dopo la desertificazione causato dalla pesca illegale del dattero di mare, attraverso un’azione concreta di restauro ecologico delle “foreste marine”, protette da direttive europee e accordi internazionali. Il progetto mira a innescare e accelerare il processo di mitigazione del danno ambientale causato dalla pesca illegale, che ha trasformato un paesaggio ricco di biodiversità in un deserto biologico, ma anche a tutelare e conservare le foreste marine, ormai in pericolo di estinzione.L’originalità della metodologia di restauro sviluppata dai ricercatori triestini nell’ambito del progetto europeo ROC-POPLife e che rappresenta oggi una buona pratica di riferimento per il Mediterraneo sta nella produzione in acquari di nuove “plantule” da reintrodurre in ambiente marino, senza danneggiare i siti donatori.La prima fase dell’operazione partita la scorsa settimana prevede la caratterizzazione tassonomica delle foreste marine capresi individuando i siti che sono stati maggiormente danneggiati dalla pesca di frodo e più idonei al restauro ecologico. A giugno e luglio, invece, è previsto l’intervento di riforestazione vero e proprio.

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Antarctica: EU leads efforts to designate new large-scale Marine Protected Areas

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 6 ottobre 2021

Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, hosted a ministerial meeting to build further support for designating new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Southern Ocean. The meeting took place ahead of the 40th annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR, 18-29 October) and served to coordinate the actions of the co-sponsors. New co-sponsors were also announced during the meeting. Commissioner Sinkevičius said: “At this ministerial meeting we are reaffirming EU’s commitment to preserve the rich and vulnerable marine life of the Southern Ocean. It is now more imperative than ever to act to turn the tide, as biodiversity loss and climate change are affecting fragile ecosystems at an unprecedented pace. Many countries worldwide have acknowledged this urgency and have already become co-sponsor of the new Marine Protected Areas, but we need all CCAMLR members to join.” On 28 April 2021, Commissioner Sinkevičius hosted a first ministerial meeting, where new members joined as advocates of the East Antarctica and Weddell Sea MPA proposals. In the face of the current biodiversity loss and climate change crises, the EU once again calls on all CCAMLR members to take decisive action to conserve the unique and rich biodiversity and ecosystems of the Southern Ocean.

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Marine spatial planning: Sustainably managing our seas at global level

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 29 febbraio 2020

The blue economy is full of opportunities for low-carbon, sustainable growth. But to make sure that these activities do not clash for space or damage the marine environment, careful planning is needed. That is exactly what maritime spatial planning does. In this guest blog, the authors explore how the EU and international partners are planning the ocean. Human wellbeing and prosperity are inextricably linked to the good health of the ocean, seas, coasts and related resources. Both through their conservation and sustainable use. Unfortunately, marine ecosystems are facing increasingly significant stress from climate change, habitat destruction and overexploitation, threatening the economic activities that rely upon these resources. At the same time, intensified human activities in coastal and marine waters lack, to achieve sustainability, the required integrated planning and decision-making, including transboundary coordination.The expanding use of the ocean space show the increase of conflicts: amongst uses but also in between uses and nature. This requires specific plans to regulate and reduce human impacts.

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Marine Genetic Resources: Bridging policy, law, science and research and development

Posted by fidest press agency su mercoledì, 29 Maggio 2019

Over 65% of the biomass in the ocean is made of plankton. Marine microbes bring services to our ecosystem and their genetic diversity is remarkable. Moreover, marine genetic resources (MGR) have enormous potential in fields such as pharmaceutical, bioremediation, cosmetics, nutraceutical, or biomedical innovation.
MGR in areas beyond national jurisdiction are not regulated. Therefore, the European Commission organised an international workshop on “Marine genetic Resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction: bridging policy, law, science and research and development” on the 21st and 22nd of May in Brussels.Negotiators of the international treaty on marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ), top scientists, legal experts and representatives from the private sector and the civil society came together to better understand the scientific process related to the discovery, analysis and use of marine genetic resources (MGR) from areas beyond national jurisdiction, the high seas and the Area. In total, 90 participants from 32 countries. The workshop was an opportunity to bridge the world of the policy makers with the scientific community, legal experts and the private sector, for a better understanding of the scientific process related to the discovery, analysis and use of marine genetic resources (MGR) from areas beyond national jurisdiction, the high seas and its seabed.Participants had the opportunity to discuss important technical aspects related to: the sampling of MGR; their scientific analysis; their storing in collection; the transformation of samples into digital scientific information; examples of applied research; Legal issues , such as intellectual property rights (IPRs) were also high on the agenda.Molecular biologists described how DNA is extracted and transformed into digital data, which then needs to be curated before being analysed.The scientific community stressed the importance of having open access to data, as this is the foundation of scientific investigation. Oceanographers gave an overview of the technologies employed for sampling the deep sea and explained how difficult and costly it is to organise cruises in the high seas. International cooperation is therefore essential and there are plenty of good examples to follow. BBNJ negotiations is a political priority for the European Union. João AGUIAR MACHADO, Director General of DG MARE, stressed the importance in engaging with the scientific community and the private sector, with the support of the civil society organizations, in the ongoing negotiations.
The President of the BBNJ intergovernmental conference (IGC) at the UN, Rena Lee, underlined the need to base the negotiations on solid scientific knowledge and to look for practical solutions, through a pragmatic approach.

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“Kill Sharks and You Kill the Marine Ecosystem”

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 23 aprile 2019

Sharks are often perceived to be man-eating killers of the ocean, but Safeguard of the Seas founder McKeever tells C.M. Rubin, founder of CMRubinWorld, that in reality, sharks are evolutionary marvels and misunderstood creatures that are essential to maintaining the health of the world’s oceans. In his new book, Emperors of the Deep (HarperOne June 25, 2019), Mckeever interviews world-renowned shark experts about the role sharks really play and says their rapid decline in population towards extinction is causing ocean life to deteriorate. “People don’t appreciate that when sharks are killed, a keystone species is removed from the ocean forever,” says McKeever. “These animals maintain the reefs, guard the seagrass and watch over ecosystems on the high seas for the benefit of the planet and for all mankind.”McKeever believes education and youth are key to raising awareness and taking action about environmental issues the planet faces, especially when it comes to global warming. “The current leadership, which has failed to protect the planet, will inevitably be replaced by a new generation,” McKeever says. “This young generation has literally the weight of the world on their shoulders and they must be prepared when they take over.”
William McKeever is the author of Emperors of the Deep (HarperOne June 25, 2019), an upcoming book which reveals new research supported by leading experts in marine life on how sharks are necessary for the health of our planet. He is also a filmmaker, conservationist and Safeguard of the Seas founder.CMRubinWorld’s award-winning series, The Global Search for Education, brings together distinguished thought leaders in education and innovation from around the world to explore the key learning issues faced by most nations. The series has become a highly visible platform for global discourse on 21st-century learning, offering a diverse range of innovative ideas which are presented by the series founder, C. M. Rubin, together with the world’s leading thinkers. For more information on CMRubinWorld

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Capgemini immerses itself in a new IT services contract with BAE Systems Marine

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 12 aprile 2019

Paris. Capgemini has announced a five-year contract with BAE Systems Marine, the branch of the British defense, security, and aerospace company responsible for the design and manufacture of submarines. Under the terms of the deal, Capgemini in the UK will take over the provision of a broad spectrum of IT services, including service orchestration, networking, hosting, DevOps, reporting and analytics, automation, and a digital service desk.BAE Systems and Capgemini will begin a new partnership to transform BAE Systems Marine’s IT estate, allowing the company to take advantage of innovative digital technologies, build better user experiences, ensure high service availability, and reduce the cost of IT.From its base in Cumbria, England, BAE Systems Marine is working on two major submarine programs. In this high-pressure environment and with increasing demands from the business and its digitally enabled workforce, Capgemini’s IT solution was selected because of its ability to support the company’s evolving requirements. These include the need to further enhance the responsiveness of service, and effectiveness and agility of the delivery model, as well as to support a mobile workforce.Stephen Cole, CIO at BAE Systems Submarines, commented: “As we embarked on this critical program for our Submarines business that will deliver improved agile digital services, world-class service transformation and orchestration capabilities underpinned by very strong references were essential in our selection process. We are confident that Capgemini met these requirements and is the right partner for us. The team really understands where we are trying to get to as a business and its collaborative approach alongside its commitment to developing skills in the local area were paramount to our decision.” Paul Margetts, Managing Director, UK Business Unit at Capgemini, commented: “We are delighted to expand upon our business relationship with BAE Systems. Having worked with the company over the past four years, we have seen the tremendous opportunities for change that this program presents, and are hugely excited to be part of the journey at BAE Systems Marine, to help the company make a step change and satisfy new business requirements.” The service goes live on 21 May 2019.

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An unsuspected economic engine: Marine Protected Areas

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 20 novembre 2018

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are set to cover more of the maritime space. Both the UN and the EU require that countries set aside sufficient areas of their seas for biodiversity conservation.But is this yet another cost for people making a living from the sea? Quite the contrary. A brand-new Commission study finds that marine protected areas can generate unforeseen, but tangible economic benefits.Even though scientific evidence is scarce, anecdotal evidence is abundant, including statements by blue businesses themselves. It all points to a profusion of new jobs and new business opportunities around MPAs.Fisheries and tourism are indeed rich with such positive examples – and with success stories, in fact, which hinge on the very existence of the local protected area to begin with. But the study also found examples of business benefits for sectors like aquaculture, blue biotechnology and even passenger shipping. Not to mention, of course, the jobs generated by the MPA itself: for its daily management, for scientific monitoring and for consulting with engineering companies to restore coastal and marine habitats.Through ten case studies, the new study reveals a wide spectrum of benefits for the local economic operators and communities, sometimes backed up by precise econometric data. What’s more, it uncovers practical real-life ‘tips and tricks’ on how to enforce, how to fund and how to govern an MPA and really make it work for itself and for the community.Funded by the European Commission, the new study on “Economic Benefits of Marine Protected Areas and Spatial Protection Measures”, provides valuable lessons and ideas for anyone involved in MPAs and will undoubtedly raise awareness and acceptance of marine protected areas.Follow us this week on Twitter @EU_MARE and Facebook @EUMaritimeFish for daily success stories!

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Create your own marine and coastal maps with the new European Atlas of the Seas!

Posted by fidest press agency su sabato, 21 luglio 2018

A new version of the European Atlas of the Seas is now available. The Atlas hosts a wealth of information about Europe’s marine environment, covering topics such as nature, tourism, security, energy, passenger transport, sea bottom, sea level rise, fish consumption, and much more. With the new release, users can benefit from an enriched catalogue with more than 120 additional layers to explore, collate and create their own maps. Print, share or embed the maps in your articles and presentations!The Atlas is the ideal tool for schools, researchers and professionals, or anyone wishing to enhance their knowledge or improve their products and services. Currently available in four languages (EN, FR, DE & ES), the Atlas will soon be available in all official languages of the European Union.
The Atlas aims to raise awareness of Europe’s seas and coasts in the context of the EU’s integrated maritime policy. Data providers are primarily the European Commission and its agencies (i.e. EEA, Eurostat, …), as well as the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet), which provided about 80 new maps.Since September 2017, the EMODnet Secretariat has taken over the management of the Atlas with a mission to further expand the range of services and features and improve the interface, functionality and content. The Secretariat is now also responsible for actively promoting the Atlas and keeping users informed about new maps and features.Stay tuned! Each week, the Atlas will put the spotlight on a new map worth exploring. Take a moment to tune in and enhance your marine knowledge.

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FCF Fishery, Largest Tuna Supplier in Western Pacific, Granted Marine Stewardship Council Certification

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 28 giugno 2018

FCF Fishery Company (FCF) and the Western Pacific Sustainable Tuna Alliance announced today that the Western and Central Pacific skipjack and yellowfin free school purse seine fishery has been granted Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Standard for Sustainable Fishing certification. The certification decision was determined by third party certifier, SCS Global.Free school fishing is considerably more sustainable than traditional fishing practices, resulting in less bycatch and thereby substantially reducing the impact on endangered species.
“We have chosen to pursue MSC certification to contribute to the growing demand, expectation and responsibility towards sustainable management of our fisheries to provide sustainably sourced tuna from the Pacific, which provides 50% of the world’s skipjack tuna supply,” said FCF Fishery president Max Chou.MSC is recognized as one of the world’s most rigorous and credible, science-based assessments of sustainability for wild-caught fish, and requires that all certified product caught in certified fisheries can be identified and traced throughout the supply chain. MSC conducts periodic DNA tests to ensure seafood bearing the MSC blue ecolabel of approval can be traced back to a certified fishery.“Tuna is an important source of protein for many nations and as a highly migratory species, management can often be a challenge. The certification of the WPSTA Western and Central Pacific skipjack and yellowfin free school purse seine fishery demonstrates positive collaboration between these leading fishing nations and a commitment to the sustainability of this ocean resource,” MSC Oceania Program Director Anne Gabriel said in a recent statement.Currently, close to 30 FCF-associated fishing vessels are now poised for MSC certification, with more fishing vessels to follow. Over time, this could make way for more than 100,000 metric tons of MSC-certified tuna to the global market.

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Create your own marine and coastal maps with the new European Atlas of the Seas!

Posted by fidest press agency su martedì, 19 giugno 2018

A new version of the European Atlas of the Seas is now available. The Atlas hosts a wealth of information about Europe’s marine environment, covering topics such as nature, tourism, security, energy, passenger transport, sea bottom, sea level rise, fish consumption, and much more.With the new release, users can benefit from an enriched catalogue with more than 120 additional layers to explore, collate and create their own maps. Print, share or embed the maps in your articles and presentations!The Atlas is the ideal tool for schools, researchers and professionals, or anyone wishing to enhance their knowledge or improve their products and services. Currently available in four languages (EN, FR, DE & ES), the Atlas will soon be available in all official languages of the European Union.
The Atlas aims to raise awareness of Europe’s seas and coasts in the context of the EU’s integrated maritime policy. Data providers are primarily the European Commission and its agencies (i.e. EEA, Eurostat, …), as well as the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet), which provided about 80 new maps.Since September 2017, the EMODnet Secretariat has taken over the management of the Atlas with a mission to further expand the range of services and features and improve the interface, functionality and content. The Secretariat is now also responsible for actively promoting the Atlas and keeping users informed about new maps and features.Stay tuned! Each week, the Atlas will put the spotlight on a new map worth exploring. Take a moment to tune in and enhance your marine knowledge.

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Conservation of marine biological resources

Posted by fidest press agency su domenica, 28 gennaio 2018

corte di giustizia europeaBruxelles. The Commission has decided to issue a reasoned opinion to Portugal on account of non-respect of the exclusive internal and external EU’s competence for the conservation of marine biological resources.
The EU has an exclusive competence in the area of the conservation of marine biological resources under the common fisheries policy (Article 3 of Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, TFEU). The powers assigned to the EU on the internal level also give the EU exclusive competence to enter into international undertakings with other States and/or international organisations for the purposes of conserving marine biological resources. The demarches undertaken by Portugal towards the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) are in breach of the exclusive competence of the EU. They have been undertaken in the context of an already on-going process at NEAFC, initiated with the full support of the EU, which aims to prevent significant impacts of bottom fishing activities on vulnerable marine ecosystems. The Commission is of the opinion that such an approach breaches EU law. If Portugal does not reply satisfactorily within two months, the Commission may refer the matter to the Court of Justice of the EU.

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A healthy and sustainable future for our oceans

Posted by fidest press agency su giovedì, 19 giugno 2014

john-kerrySustainable fisheries, marine pollution, and ocean acidification – these are the key issues discussed at “Our Ocean” conference, organised by US Secretary of State John Kerry, on 16th June 2014 in Washington. European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki has spoken during the “Political Change Makers” session in which political leaders shared their insights on how they have sought to address ocean issues and implement ocean conservation. The event brought together world leaders, business executives, scientists, and environmental activists in an attempt to deal with major threats to oceans. The key issues addressed included sustainable fisheries, marine pollution, and ocean acidification. Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries drew upon the reform process of the Common Fisheries Policy and its focus on sustainability, the fight against illegal fishing, the EU’s role in international fisheries governance, and the Blue Growth strategy. Other speakers included US Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) speaking of their roles as co-chairs of the Senate Oceans Caucus.

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DNV GL Acquires Marine Cybernetics

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 9 Maggio 2014

houstonHouston, the world’s leading ship and offshore classification society and one of the world’s leading technical risk service providers, has acquired Marine Cybernetics, the leading company for third-party testing of computer control systems. The acquisition expands DNV GL’s scope of services in the offshore and maritime industries.Marine Cybernetics was established in 2002 as a spin-off from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Based in Trondheim, Norway, the company introduced the concept of Hardware-In-the Loop-Testing (HIL) to the maritime and offshore industries. HIL testing significantly reduces the risk of accidents, off-hire costs and non-productive time due to software-related issues.“The decision to invest in Marine Cybernetics was driven by the increasing importance of software dependent systems in ensuring safe, reliable and efficient operations. We have now come to a point where we cannot only rely on testing and verifying hardware,” says Remi Eriksen, DNV GL Group Executive Vice President and COO. “We see that an increasing number of incidents, many of them severe, are caused by software- related issues. There’s a weak spot in the way the offshore and marine industries work to ensure total system quality. That weak spot is getting bigger every day, but we’re going to rectify this,” he continues, adding: “Marine Cybernetics has unique technology and processes for the third-party testing and verification of computer-based control systems. This will be a game changing platform to enhance safety and increase operational efficiency in the offshore and maritime industries.” A requirement of software-system certification was introduced into the offshore classification rules by DNV GL some time ago. Currently, the market for the third- party testing and certification of control systems is small but has huge potential.
According to Eriksen, the short-term synergies will facilitate a global roll out of HIL testing services via DNV GL’s worldwide network, allowing Marine Cybernetics to reach even more customers across the globe. A mid-term perspective is a combination of service offerings. “As such, we strive to actively drive the further development of the concept of classification. And a longer term goal is to use the competencies and technologies in other asset heavy and software intensive industries, such as the power generation, transmission and distribution industries,” says Eriksen.Marine Cybernetics Chief Executive Officer Stein Eggan says, “This is an important milestone for Marine Cybernetics and true recognition of our capabilities as the leading provider of third- party testing and verification of control system software for the maritime and offshore industries. Since DNV GL is  the leading global ship  and offshore classification society and the leading technical assurance provider to the oil and gas industry, this transaction will also strengthen our global delivery capabilities and continued technological development, benefitting both companies’ customers and industry partners as well as creating interesting opportunities for our employees.”He continues, “We have enjoyed a good working relationship with DNV GL for many years and look forward to bringing our companies together to continue to build a sustainable business in the software integrity field, strongly vested in shared philosophies and core values.”“Main shareholder Statoil Technology Invest (STI) first supported Marine Cybernetics through its LOOP product development programme in 2003 and then invested in 2005, recognizing the importance of being able to independently test critical control system software on vessels and rigs. We are pleased to see that MC has found a good home in DNV GL,” says Richard Erskine, Managing Director of STI.Besides Statoil Technology Invest and the Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Group, the shares of Marine Cybernetics were held by Marine Cybernetics employees and management as well as the former founders, who are now completely out of the company . To reflect its cross-industry relevance and strategic importance to DNV GL, Marine Cybernetics will become an independent business unit within the DNV GL Group.

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“Vestire in Arte”

Posted by fidest press agency su venerdì, 15 aprile 2011

Modica (RG), 17 aprile alle ore 18, Rococò moda & modi (Polo commerciale – Via Sorda Sampieri, aprirà le porte del suo showroom all’arte con la mostra-evento “Vestire in Arte”, a cura del maestro Salvatore Fratantonio. L’artista modicano – noto per le sue tele raffiguranti carrubi, marine, paesaggi della campagna iblea che assurgono a simbolo di solitudine metafisica e di contrapposizione tra persistenza ed effimero – ha selezionato una ventina delle sue opere più recenti per esporle accanto ad abiti e creazioni delle firme più prestigiose della moda italiana e internazionale. La mostra, allestita su uno spazio espositivo di oltre 1000 mq distribuiti su due piani, intende accostare l’eleganza della moda alla bellezza dell’arte, in un ambiente raffinato e armonioso di luci e specchi. A fare da trait d’union tra gli abiti di Rococò e le tele di Fratantonio saranno le suggestioni cromatiche, le affinità coloristiche ed emozionali, ma anche una volontà di contaminazioni tra generi artistici differenti, come musica, pittura, design e moda. Come in un gioco di specchi, dal confronto dialettico tra le arti scaturiscono sottili legami e contrappunti giocati sulla forza del simbolo e sui concetti di effimero / persistenza, che hanno un ruolo centrale nell’arte di Fratantonio, ma anche nella moda. «L’arte e la moda rappresentano due eccellenze del Made in Italy – spiega Rosario Agosta, titolare del negozio – due aree di creatività, due “mondi” che hanno parecchi punti in comune ma, spesso, fruitori diversi. Con questa iniziativa abbiamo voluto far incontrare il pubblico della moda e gli amanti dell’arte, portando le opere di un affermato maestro siciliano fuori dalle gallerie e dai musei». La mostra potrà essere visitata fino al 15 maggio negli orari di apertura del negozio. (salvatore fratantonio)

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